Pojasnilo | 14. 3. 2025 |
ISSN | Revija | Založnik/Izdajatelj | Št. čl. v COBIB.SI (2020) | Odprti dostop![]() |
0295-2548 | [Communications] | Dunod | 0 | |
0758-1726 | [Politiques et management public] | Institut de management public | 0 | ✔ |
2649-6100 | 20 & 21 (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
2649-664X | 20 & 21 | 0 | ||
1216-2574 | Acta juridica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1588-2616 | Acta juridica Hungarica (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
0001-6810 | Acta politica | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1741-1416 | Acta politica (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6993 | Acta sociologica | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1502-3869 | Acta sociologica (e-vir) | Munksgaard for the Scandinavian Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0001-8325 | Administration | Institute of Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0223-5439 | Administration | Association du corps préfectoral et des hauts fonctionnaires du Ministère de l'intérieur | 0 | |
2449-9471 | Administration (e-vir) | De Gruyter Open | 0 | ✔ |
0095-3997 | Administration & society | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3039 | Administration & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0302-2986 | Administrative change | University of Rajasthan. Dep. of Public Administration. | 0 | |
0001-8392 | Administrative science quarterly | Cornell University; Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1930-3815 | Administrative science quarterly (e-vir) | Cornell University, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0001-964X | Affari esteri | Associazioni Italiana per gli studi di politica estera | 0 | |
0001-9720 | Africa | International African Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1750-0184 | Africa (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0256-2804 | Africa insight | Africa Institute of South Africa. | 0 | |
0001-9909 | African affairs | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2621 | African affairs (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1472-5843 | African identities | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1472-5851 | African Identities (e-vir) | [Carfax] | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2206 | African security | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2214 | African security (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0002-0184 | African studies | Witwatersrand University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2872 | African studies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5156 | African studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | |
1868-6869 | Africa spectrum | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of African Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
0002-0397 | Afrikaspectrum | Institute of African Affairs, German Institute of Global and Area Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0002-0478 | Afrique contemporaine | Documentation française | 0 | |
1469-1779 | Ageing & society (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0144-686X | Ageing and society | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-094X | Aggiornamenti sociali | Centro studi sociali | 0 | |
1306-7885 | Akademik incelemeler: sakarya üniversitesi sosyal bilimler enstitüsü dergisi | Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü | 0 | ✔ |
2602-3016 | Akademik incelemeler dergisi (e-vir) | Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3754 | Alternatives | Lynne Rienner Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2163-3150 | Alternatives (e-vir) | Lynne Rienner Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0002-7294 | American anthropologist | American Anthropological Association] | 0 | ✔ |
1548-1433 | American anthropologist (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1080-3920 | American foreign policy interests | National Committee on Foreign Policy | 0 | |
1533-2128 | American foreign policy interests (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
2166-0042 | American journal of Chinese studies | American Association for Chinese Studies | 0 | |
0092-5853 | American journal of political science | Published by University of Texas Press for Midwest Political Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
1540-5907 | American journal of political science (e-vir) | Wayne State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9602 | American journal of sociology | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5390 | American journal of sociology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1532-673X | American politics research | Sage Publications, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3373 | American politics research (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0275-0740 | American review of public administration | Midwest Review of Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3357 | American review of public administration (e-vir) | Midwest Review of Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0003-1224 | American sociological review | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8271 | American sociological review (e-vir) | American Sociological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0883-105X | American studies international | American Studies Program, George Washington University | 0 | |
0044-8141 | Amministrare | Il Mulino. | 0 | |
1845-6707 | Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva | Hrvatsko politološko društvo | 0 | |
1847-5299 | Anali Hrvatskog politološkog društva | Hrvatsko politološko društvo | 0 | |
0003-2573 | Análise social | I.S.C.E.F. | 0 | ✔ |
2182-2999 | Análise social (e-vir) | I.S.C.E.F. | 0 | ✔ |
1303-2518 | Ankara Avrupa çalűşmalarű dergisi = | A.Ü. Avrupa Topluluklarű Araştűrma ve Uygulama Merkezi | 0 | |
0002-7162 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science | Published by A.L. Hummel for the American Academy of Political and Social Science | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3349 | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (e-vir) | American Academy of Political and Social Science | 0 | ✔ |
0004-5608 | Annals of the Association of American Geographers | Association of American Geographers | 0 | |
1467-8306 | Annals of the Association of American Geographers (e-vir) | The Association | 0 | |
1550-3585 | Annual review of law and social science | Annual Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
1550-3631 | Annual review of law and social science (e-vir) | Annual Reviews | 2 | ✔ |
1094-2939 | Annual review of political science | Annual Reviews, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-1577 | Annual review of political science (e-vir) | Annual Reviews, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0360-0572 | Annual review of sociology | Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat | 0 | ✔ |
1545-2115 | Annual review of sociology (e-vir) | Annual Reviews | 1 | ✔ |
1021-3058 | äOu-měi yánjiäu | Zhäongyäang yánjiäuyuàn äou-měi yánjiäusuěo.; Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica. | 0 | |
1443-3605 | AQ | Australian Institute of Political Science | 0 | |
1837-1892 | AQ (e-vir) | Australian Institute of Political Science | 0 | |
0044-8613 | Archipel | Centre de documentation et de recherches sur l'Asie du Sud-Est et le monde insulindien; Société pour l'étude et la connaissance du monde insulindien | 0 | ✔ |
2104-3655 | Archipel (e-vir) | [Association Archipel] | 0 | ✔ |
0003-8911 | Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts | Mohr | 0 | |
1868-6796 | Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | |
0003-9632 | Archives de philosophie | Beauchesne | 0 | |
1769-681X | Archives de philosophie (e-vir) | Centre Sèvres-Faculté jésuite de Paris | 0 | |
0003-9756 | Archives européennes de sociologie | Plon | 1 | ✔ |
1474-0583 | Archives européennes de sociologie (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0177-1094 | Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie | Luchterhand | 0 | |
2363-5614 | Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (e-vir) | Steiner | 0 | ✔ |
0095-327X | Armed forces and society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1556-0848 | Armed forces and society (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0001-2343 | ARSP | F. Steiner | 1 | ✔ |
0092-7678 | Asian affairs | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0306-8374 | Asian affairs | Royal Central Asian Soc. | 0 | ✔ |
1477-1500 | Asian affairs (e-vir) | Royal Society for Asian Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1590 | Asian affairs (e-vir) | Crane, Russak & Co. on behalf of American-Asian Educational Exchange | 0 | ✔ |
1463-1369 | Asian ethnicity | Carfax,; Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2953 | Asian ethnicity (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2057-892X | Asian journal of comparative politics (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
2057-8911 | Asian journal of comparative politics / | Niigata Kenritsu Daigaku. | 0 | ✔ |
2288-2693 | Asian journal of peacebuilding | Institute for Unification Studies, Seoul National University | 0 | |
2288-2707 | Asian journal of peacebuilding(Online) = | Institute for Unification Studies, Seoul National University | 0 | |
0258-9184 | Asian perspective | Kyungnam University, Institute for Far Eastern Studies | 0 | |
2288-2871 | Asian perspective(Online) | Kyungnam University Institute for Far Eastern Studies | 0 | |
1943-0779 | Asian politics & policy | Policy Studies Organization. | 0 | ✔ |
1943-0787 | Asian politics & policy (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0304-8675 | Asian profile | Asian Research Service | 0 | |
0004-4687 | Asian survey | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-838X | Asian survey (e-vir) | Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley | 0 | ✔ |
1810-035X | Asia Pacific | Area Study Centre | 0 | |
3005-7922 | Asia Pacific (e-vir) | Sindh University Press | 0 | |
1385-2140 | Asia Pacific journal of environmental law | Kluwer Law International | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8258 | Asia Pacific journal of environmental law (e-vir) | Kluwer Law International | 0 | ✔ |
2327-6665 | Asia Pacific journal of public administration =; Asia Pacific journal of public administration = | 0 | ✔ | |
1388-1906 | Asia-Pacific journal on human rights and the law | Kluwer Law International | 0 | ✔ |
1571-8158 | Asia-Pacific journal on human rights and the law | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1343-9006 | Asia-Pacific review | Institute for International Policy Studies; IIPS | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2937 | Asia-Pacific review (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1360-7456 | Asia Pacific viewpoint | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8373 | Asia Pacific viewpoint (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0968 | Asia policy | National Bureau of Asian Research (U.S.) | 0 | |
1559-2960 | Asia policy | National Bureau of Asian Research | 0 | |
1477-7622 | Astropolitics | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1557-2943 | Astropolitics (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0479-611X | Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte | Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung | 0 | |
1035-7718 | Australian journal of international affairs | Australian Institute of International Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
1465-332X | Australian journal of international affairs (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1036-1146 | Australian journal of political science | Dept. of Politics, Australian Defence Force Academy for the Australasian Political Studies Association | 0 | ✔ |
1363-030X | Australian journal of political science (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8497 | Australian journal of politics & history (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0004-9522 | Australian journal of politics and history | University of Queensland Press | 0 | ✔ |
0313-6647 | Australian journal of public administration | Institute of public administration Australia | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8500 | Australian journal of public administration (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0396-4590 | Austriaca | Centre d'études et de recherches autrichiennes | 1 | |
1943-4480 | Behavioral sciences of terrorism and political aggression | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1943-4472 | Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression | 0 | ✔ | |
0067-5830 | Berkeley journal of sociology | Graduate students, Dept. of Sociology and Social Institutions, University of California, Berkeley | 0 | |
0006-1654 | Biblioteca della libertà | Centro di ricerca e documentazione Luigi Einaudi. | 0 | |
1010-9536 | BIISS journal | Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies.; BIISS. | 0 | |
0006-4416 | Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik | Blätter Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | |
2237-7743 | Brazilian Journal of International Relations (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências | 0 | |
1981-3821 | Brazilian political science review (e-vir) | Associação Brasileira de Ciência Política | 0 | |
1467-8543 | British journal of industrial relations (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1080 | British Journal of Industrial Relations | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1353-0194 | British journal of Middle Eastern studies | British Society for Middle Eastern Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3542 | British journal of Middle Eastern studies (e-vir) | British Society for Middle Eastern Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1234 | British journal of political science | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-2112 | British journal of political science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1369-1481 | British journal of politics & international relations | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1315 | British journal of sociology | Wiley-Blackwell; London School of Economics | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4446 | British journal of sociology (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1746-918X | British politics | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1746-9198 | British politics (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0068-2691 | British year book of international law | Clarendon Press | 0 | |
1369-5258 | Business and politics | Carfax | 0 | |
1469-3569 | Business and politics (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0007-6503 | Business and society | Business Research Center, College of Business Administration, Roosevelt University | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4205 | Business and society (e-vir) | Business Research Center, College of Business Administration, Roosevelt University | 0 | ✔ |
0007-9588 | Cahiers africains d'administration publique | CAFRAD | 0 | |
0008-0055 | Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines | Ecole pratique des hautes études, 6ème section | 0 | |
1777-5353 | Cahiers d'études africaines (e-vir) | Éd. de l'EHESS | 0 | |
1271-6669 | Cahiers d'histoire | Espaces Marx (Paris) | 0 | |
2102-5916 | Cahiers d'histoire (e-vir) | Cahiers d'histoire | 0 | ✔ |
0007-9758 | Cahiers de droit européen | Rédacteur Goffin.; Larcier | 0 | |
1141-7161 | Cahiers des amériques latines | Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine (Paris) | 0 | |
2268-4247 | Cahiers des Amériques latines (e-vir) | [Éd. de l'Institut des hautes études de l'Amérique latine] | 0 | |
1777-5388 | Cahiers du monde russe (e-vir) | Éd. de l'EHESS | 0 | |
1252-6576 | Cahiers du Monde russe | Centre d'études du monde russe, soviétique et post-soviétique; Centre d'histoire du domaine turc d'EHESS | 0 | |
0955-7571 | Cambridge review of international affairs | Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge | 0 | ✔ |
1474-449X | Cambridge review of international affairs (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1192-6422 | Canadian foreign policy | Canadian Foreign Policy Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
2157-0817 | Canadian foreign policy (e-vir) | Canadian Foreign Policy Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4239 | Canadian journal of political science | Canadian political science association; Société québécoise de science politique | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9324 | Canadian journal of political science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1911-4125 | Canadian political science review (e-vir) | British Columbia Political Studies Association; Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association; Prairie Provinces Political Studies Association | 0 | |
0008-4840 | Canadian public administration | Institute of Public Administration of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1754-7121 | Canadian public administration (e-vir) | Institute of Public Administration of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
0317-0861 | Canadian public policy | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1911-9917 | Canadian public policy = | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0743-605X | Cato policy report | Cato Institute, | 0 | |
0263-4937 | Central Asian survey | Oxford Microform Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3354 | Central Asian survey (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1613-6373 | CESifo DICE report (e-vir) | Ifo Institute for Economic Research e.V. | 0 | |
1612-0663 | CESifo DICE Report | Ifo Institute for Economic Research | 0 | |
1615-245X | CESifo forum | Ifo Institute for Economic Research | 0 | |
2190-717X | CESifo forum (e-vir) | Ifo Institute for Economic Research e.V. | 0 | |
1818-7668 | CEU political science journal (e-vir) | Central European University | 0 | |
1992-3147 | CEU political science journal | Central European University | 0 | |
1529-0816 | Chicago journal of international law | University of Chicago Law School | 0 | |
2831-8579 | Chicago journal of international law (e-vir) | University of Chicago Law School | 0 | |
0920-203X | China information | Documentation and Research Centre for Contemporary China | 0 | ✔ |
1741-590X | China information (e-vir) | Documentation and Research Centre for Contemporary China | 0 | ✔ |
1996-4617 | China perspectives (e-vir) | French Centre for Research on Contemporary China | 0 | |
2070-3449 | China perspectives | CEFC | 0 | |
0305-7410 | China quarterly | School of Oriental and African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0009-4455 | China report | Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. | 0 | ✔ |
0973-063X | China Report | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1680-2012 | China review | Chinese University Press | 0 | |
1540-1650 | Chinese journal of international law | World Academy Press | 0 | ✔ |
1746-9937 | Chinese journal of international law (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2365-4244 | Chinese political science review | 0 | ✔ | |
2365-4252 | Chinese political science review (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
0009-6059 | Chronique de politique étrangère | Centre universitaire de recherche indépendant | 0 | |
2593-8169 | Chronique de politique étrangère (e-vir) | JSTOR/ITHAKA | 0 | |
1362-1025 | Citizenship studies | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3593 | Citizenship studies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0009-8167 | Civiltà cattolica | USPI | 0 | |
1369-8249 | Civil wars | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-968X | Civil wars (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3062 | Climate policy | Elsevier; James & James/Earthscan | 0 | ✔ |
1752-7457 | Climate policy (e-vir) | Elsevier; James & James/Earthscan | 0 | ✔ |
1242-5672 | Collection IRIS-Dunod | Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (France) | 0 | |
0010-1931 | Columbia journal of transnational law | Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Association, etc. | 0 | |
0180-8214 | Commentaire | Julliard,; Plon | 0 | |
0010-2601 | Commentary | American Jewish Committee | 0 | |
1943-4634 | Commentary (e-vir) | American Jewish Committee | 0 | |
0165-0750 | Common market law review | Sijthoff | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8320 | Common market law review (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1466-2043 | Commonwealth & comparative politics | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9094 | Commonwealth & comparative politics (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0751-3496 | Communisme | Presses Universitaires de France; Vendémiaire Éditions | 0 | |
0967-067X | Communist and post-communist studies | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-6920 | Communist and Post-Communist Studies (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-5700 | Comparative American studies | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2676 | Comparative American studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1472-4790 | Comparative European politics | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1740-388X | Comparative European politics (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4140 | Comparative political studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3829 | Comparative political studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4159 | Comparative politics | Political Science Program of the City University of New York | 0 | |
2151-6227 | Comparative politics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | |
1569-1322 | Comparative sociology | Brill | 2 | ✔ |
1569-1330 | Comparative sociology (e-vir) | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0149-5933 | Comparative strategy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0448 | Comparative strategy (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4175 | Comparative studies in society and history | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2999 | Comparative studies in society and history (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8802 | Conflict, security, development | Centre for Defence Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1478-1174 | Conflict, security & development (e-vir) | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0747 | Conflict & communication online | Regener | 0 | |
0738-8942 | Conflict management and peace science | World University Division, World Research Center | 0 | ✔ |
1549-9219 | Conflict management and peace science (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0734-3469 | Congress & the presidency | American University | 0 | ✔ |
1944-1053 | Congress & the presidency (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1351-0487 | Constellations | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8675 | Constellations (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1043-4062 | Constitutional political economy | Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9966 | Constitutional political economy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1361-9462 | Contemporary British history | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7997 | Contemporary British history (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
2410-9681 | Contemporary Chinese political economy and strategic relations (e-vir) | Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University | 0 | |
0147-9156 | Contemporary French civilization | [Montana State University?]; Department of French, University of Illinois]; Liverpool University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-396X | Contemporary French civilization (e-vir) | [Montana State University?] | 0 | ✔ |
2324-8823 | Contemporary Italian politics | Taylor & Francis. | 0 | ✔ |
2324-8831 | Contemporary Italian politics (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1470-8914 | Contemporary political theory | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1476-9336 | Contemporary political theory (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1356-9775 | Contemporary politics | South Bank University | 0 | ✔ |
1469-3631 | Contemporary politics (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1352-3260 | Contemporary security policy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8764 | Contemporary security policy (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
2158-2041 | Contemporary social science | Academy of Social Sciences (Great Britain); Routledge (Firm) | 0 | ✔ |
2158-205X | Contemporary social science (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 4 | ✔ |
0958-4935 | Contemporary South Asia | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-364X | Contemporary South Asia (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0129-797X | Contemporary Southeast Asia | Singapore University Press for the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies | 0 | |
0102-8529 | Contexto internacional | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Relações Internacionais | 0 | |
1982-0240 | Contexto internacional | Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Relações Internacionais | 0 | |
0069-9667 | Contributions to Indian sociology | Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd | 0 | |
0973-0648 | Contributions to Indian sociology | Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0010-8367 | Cooperation and conflict | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3691 | Cooperation and conflict (e-vir) | Nordic Committee for the Study of International Politics | 0 | ✔ |
1532-687X | CR | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-6630 | CR (e-vir) | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0925-4994 | Crime, law and social change | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0751 | Crime, law and social change (e-vir) | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4176 | Crime, law and social change (e-vir) | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | |
0891-3811 | Critical review | Libertarian Review Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1933-8007 | Critical review | Libertarian Review Foundation] | 0 | ✔ |
1369-8230 | Critical review of international social and political philosophy | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8772 | Critical review of international social and political philosophy (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0896-9205 | Critical sociology | Dept. of Sociology, University of Oregon | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1632 | Critical sociology (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1290-7839 | Critique internationale | Presses de Sciences Po | 0 | |
1777-554X | Critique internationale (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
1331-1182 | Croatian international relations review | Institute for Development and International Relations | 0 | |
1848-5782 | Croatian international relations review (e-vir) | Institute for International Relations (IMO) | 0 | |
Y501-8633 | Croatian international relations review | Institute for Development and International Relations | 0 | |
1069-3971 | Cross-cultural research | Sage Periodicals Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3578 | Cross-cultural research (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0011-2356 | Cuadernos Americanos | Universidad nacional autonoma de México | 0 | |
0124-4175 | Cuadernos Constitucionales | Plural, | 0 | |
0798-1406 | Cuestiones políticas | Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Políticos y Administrativos | 0 | |
2542-3185 | Cuestiones Políticas (e-vir) | Universidad del Zulia. Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público | 0 | |
0011-3204 | Current anthropology | The University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5382 | Current anthropology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0011-3921 | Current sociology | Sage | 1 | ✔ |
1461-7064 | Current sociology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4184 | Current sociology (e-vir) | Sage publications | 0 | |
0011-5258 | Dados | Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro | 0 | |
1678-4588 | Dados | Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas do Rio de Janeiro. | 0 | |
0011-5266 | Daedalus | MIT Press Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1548-6192 | Daedalus (e-vir) | American Academy of Arts and Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1397-2480 | Danish foreign policy yearbook | DIIS - Danish Institute for International Studies | 0 | |
2445-8171 | Danish foreign policy yearbook (e-vir) | Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier | 0 | |
1760-7167 | Débat | Agridécisions | 0 | |
0965-156X | Debatte | Routledge | 0 | |
1469-3712 | Debatte (e-vir) | Carfax. | 0 | |
1470-2436 | Defence studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9698 | Defence studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. Ltd.; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1475-1798 | Defense and security analysis | Centre for Defence and Intrenational Security Studies, UK | 0 | ✔ |
1475-1801 | Defense and security analysis (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1555-5860 | Democracy and security | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1741-9166 | Democracy and security | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1351-0347 | Democratization | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-890X | Democratization (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1940-4603 | Demokratizatsiia | Heldref Publications | 0 | |
1074-6846 | Demokratizatsiya | Quality Press of the Southern Tier Inc. | 0 | |
0196-2035 | Denver journal of international law and policy | University of Denver College of Law] | 0 | |
0012-5415 | Der Donauraum | Fachverlag für Wirtschaft und Technik Ges. M. B. H. & Co. KG | 3 | |
2307-289X | Der Donauraum (e-vir) | Böhlau | 0 | |
1133-0937 | Derechos y libertades | Instituto de Derechos Humanos "Bartolomé de las Casas" | 0 | |
2340-9673 | Derechos y libertades (e-vir) | Dykinson | 0 | |
0038-884X | Der Staat | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5203 | Der Staat (e-vir) | Duncker u. Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1011-6370 | Development | SID International Secretariat | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7072 | Development (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0012-155X | Development and change | Sage Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-7660 | Development and change (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0961-4524 | Development in practice | Oxfam | 0 | ✔ |
1364-9213 | Development in practice (e-vir) | Oxfam | 0 | ✔ |
0950-6764 | Development policy review | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1467-7679 | Development policy review (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
0340-0255 | Die Friedens-warte | A. H. Fried | 0 | |
2366-6714 | Die Friedens-Warte (e-vir) | BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | |
0029-859X | Die öffentliche Verwaltung | Kohlhammer | 0 | |
0042-4498 | Die Verwaltung | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5211 | Die Verwaltung (e-vir) | Duncker u. Humblot; GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
0959-2296 | Diplomacy and statecraft | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1557-301X | Diplomacy and statecraft (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0145-2096 | Diplomatic history | Scholarly Resources Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-7709 | Diplomatic history (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0361-3666 | Disasters | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-7717 | Disasters (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0957-9265 | Discourse & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3624 | Discourse & society (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0012-3846 | Dissent | [Dissent Pub. Corp., etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1946-0910 | Dissent (e-vir) | [Dissent Pub. Corp.] | 0 | ✔ |
1309-6834 | Divan disiplinlerarası çalışmalar dergisi | Bi̇li̇m ve sanat vakfi | 0 | |
0766-3838 | Droits | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
0012-6438 | Droit social | Librairie technique et économique | 0 | |
1053-6736 | Duke journal of comparative & international law | Duke University School of Law | 0 | |
2328-9708 | Duke journal of comparative & international law (e-vir) | Duke University. | 0 | |
1746-7586 | Dynamics of asymmetric conflict | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1746-7594 | Dynamics of asymmetric conflict | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1096-6838 | East Asia | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6284 | East Asia (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2159-9165 | East European politics | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2159-9173 | East European politics (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0888-3254 | East European politics and societies | University of California Press | 1 | ✔ |
1533-8371 | East European politics and societies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0012-8449 | East European quarterly | Central European University Budapest, Department of Political Science | 0 | |
2469-4827 | East European quarterly (e-vir) | Central European University Budapest, Department of Political Science | 0 | |
0143-831X | Economic and industrial democracy | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7099 | Economic and industrial democracy (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0079 | Economic development and cultural change | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-2988 | Economic development and cultural change (e-vir) | University of Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
0954-1985 | Economics & politics | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0343 | Economics & politics (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0451 | Economics of planning | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1573-0808 | Economics of planning (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | |
0308-5147 | Economy and society | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5766 | Economy and society (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1533-1296 | Election law journal | M.A. Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
1557-8062 | Election law journal | Mary Ann Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
0261-3794 | Electoral studies | Butterworth Scientific Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6890 | Electoral studies (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0892-7545 | Employee responsibilities and rights journal | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3378 | Employee responsibilities and rights journal (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2414-6625 | Encuentro latinoamericano (e-vir) | : International Association for Political Science Students (IAPPS) | 0 | |
0964-4016 | Environmental politics | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8934 | Environmental politics (e-vir) | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0014-0481 | Espaces et sociétés | Editions Anthropos | 0 | |
0014-0759 | Esprit | Paul Thibaud | 0 | |
2111-4579 | Esprit (e-vir) | Revue Esprit | 0 | |
0716-1115 | Estudios públicos | Centros de Estudios Públicos | 0 | |
0014-1704 | Ethics | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-297X | Ethics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0892-6794 | Ethics & international affairs | Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7093 | Ethics & international affairs (e-vir) | Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
0141-9870 | Ethnic and racial studies | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4356 | Ethnic and racial studies (e-vir) | Routledge and Kegan Paul | 0 | ✔ |
1468-7968 | Ethnicities | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2706 | Ethnicities (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1010-5832 | Ethnic studies report | International Centre for Ethnic Studies. | 0 | |
1744-9057 | Ethnopolitics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9065 | Ethnopolitics (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0014-1941 | Études | Études | 0 | |
2102-5800 | Études (e-vir) | [Société d'éd. de revues] | 0 | |
0824-8621 | Etudes helléniques | Centre de recherches helléniques | 0 | |
0014-2123 | Études internationales | Institut québécois des hautes études internationales. | 0 | |
1703-7891 | Études internationales (e-vir) | Centre québécois de relations internationales.; Canadian Institute of International Affairs.; Institut québécois des hautes études internationales. | 0 | |
0304-2782 | Europäische Rundschau | Europa Verlag | 0 | |
1574-0196 | European constitutional law review | T.M.C. Asser Press; Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5515 | European constitutional law review (e-vir) | T.M.C. Asser Press; Distributed Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1384-6299 | European foreign affairs review | Kluwer Law International | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8223 | European foreign affairs review (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
0265-6914 | European history quarterly | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7110 | European history quarterly (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5032 | European history quarterly (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | |
0267-3231 | European journal of communication | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3705 | European journal of communication (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5040 | European journal of communication (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | |
0938-5428 | European journal of international law | Law Books in Europe; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3596 | European journal of international law (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3713 | European journal of international relations (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1354-0661 | European Journal of International Relations | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2057-5637 | European journal of international security | British International Studies Association, | 0 | ✔ |
2057-5645 | European journal of international security (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1388-364X | European journal of migration and law | Kluwer Law International | 0 | ✔ |
1571-8166 | European journal of migration and law (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0176-2680 | European Journal of Political Economy | North-Holland; Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5703 | European Journal of Political Economy (e-vir) | North-Holland; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1475-6765 | European journal of political research (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4130 | European Journal of political research | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1474-8851 | European journal of political theory | Sage. | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2730 | European journal of political theory (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1368-4310 | European journal of social theory | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7137 | European journal of social theory (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7420 | European journal of women's studies (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1351-5993 | European law journal | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0386 | European law journal (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0307-5400 | European law review | Sweet & Maxwell | 0 | |
0965-4313 | European planning studies | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1469-5944 | European planning studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1680-4333 | European political science | European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) | 0 | ✔ |
1682-0983 | European political science (e-vir) | European Consortium for Political Research | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-3204 | European political science | European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) | 0 | |
1755-7739 | European political science review | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-7747 | European political science review (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2374-5118 | European politics and society | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2374-5126 | European politics and society (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1354-3725 | European public law | Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1062-7987 | European review | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
1474-0575 | European review (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 1 | ✔ |
0966-2839 | European security | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1746-1545 | European security (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1461-6696 | European societies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8307 | European societies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0266-7215 | European sociological review | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2672 | European sociological review (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-1165 | European Union politics | Sage. | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2757 | European Union politics (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 1 | ✔ |
0969-7764 | European urban and regional studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7145 | European urban and regional studies (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0966-8136 | Europe-Asia studies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3427 | Europe-Asia studies (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1744-2648 | Evidence & policy | Policy Press | 0 | ✔ |
1744-2656 | Evidence & policy (e-vir) | Policy Press | 0 | ✔ |
0141-7789 | Feminist review | Feminist Review Collective | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4380 | Feminist review (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1464-7001 | Feminist theory | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2773 | Feminist theory (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0235-7186 | Filosofija, sociologija | Lietuvos Mokslu Akademija | 0 | |
Y502-2800 | Filosofija, sociologija | Lietuvos Mokslu Akademija | 0 | |
2424-4546 | Filosofija. Sociologija (e-vir) | Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla; Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla; Lietuvos mokslų akademija | 0 | |
0015-7120 | Foreign affairs | Council on Foreign Relations] | 0 | |
2327-7793 | Foreign affairs (e-vir) | [Council on Foreign Relations] | 0 | |
0015-7228 | Foreign policy | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, etc. | 0 | |
1945-2276 | Foreign policy (e-vir) | National Affairs, Inc. | 1 | |
1743-8586 | Foreign policy analysis | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8594 | Foreign policy analysis (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0185-013X | Foro internacional | El Colegio de México | 0 | |
2448-6523 | Foro internacional (e-vir) | El Colegio de México | 0 | |
0933-9361 | Forschungsjournal neue soziale Bewegungen | SP-Verl. Schüren | 0 | |
0803-9410 | Forum for development studies | Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt.; Norsk forening for utviklingsforskning. | 0 | ✔ |
1891-1765 | Forum for development studies | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0736-0932 | Forum for social economics | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6381 | Forum for social economics (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1476-3419 | French politics | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1476-3427 | French politics (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1537-6370 | French politics, culture and society | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5271 | French politics, culture and society (e-vir) | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
0257-0289 | Fudan xuebao | Editorial Department of Fudan University; [distributor] China International Book Trading Corporation | 0 | |
0337-307X | Futuribles | Association internationale Futuribles | 0 | |
1465-0045 | Geopolitics | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1557-3028 | Geopolitics (e-vir) | Frank Cass; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0266-3554 | German history | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-089X | German history (e-vir) | German History Society | 0 | ✔ |
0964-4008 | German politics | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-8993 | German politics (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1045-0300 | German politics and society | The Center | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5441 | German politics and society (e-vir) | Center for European Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0344-3094 | German yearbook of international law | Duncker und Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
2195-7304 | German yearbook of international law (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | ✔ |
1405-1079 | Gestión y política pública | Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C.. | 0 | |
2448-9182 | Gestión y política pública (e-vir) | Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, A.C. | 0 | |
1478-1158 | Global change, peace & security | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1478-1166 | Global change, peace & security (e-vir) | Carfax Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2045-3817 | Global constitutionalism | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2045-3825 | Global constitutionalism (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1526-3800 | Global environmental politics | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0091 | Global environmental politics (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1075-2846 | Global governance | Lynne Rienner Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1942-6720 | Global governance (e-vir) | Lynne Rienner Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0181 | Global social policy | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2803 | Global social policy (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0826 | Global society | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1469-798X | Global society (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2260-0965 | Gouvernement & action publique | Presses de Sciences Po | 0 | |
0952-1895 | Governance | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0491 | Governance (e-vir) | Blackwell; Wiley | 2 | ✔ |
0017-257X | Government & opposition | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-7053 | Government and opposition (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0926-2644 | Group decision and negotiation | Kluwer Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9907 | Group decision and negotiation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1226-7317 | Gugje jiyeog yeon'gu - Seoul daehag'gyo | Seoul daehag'gyo gugje jiyeogweon | 0 | |
1876-4045 | Hague journal on the rule of law | T.M.C. Asser Press | 0 | ✔ |
1876-4053 | Hague journal on the rule of law (e-vir) | T.M.C. Asser Press | 0 | ✔ |
0017-8055 | Harvard educational review | Harvard University | 0 | |
1943-5045 | Harvard educational review (e-vir) | [Harvard University, etc.] | 0 | |
0017-811X | Harvard law review | Harvard Law Review Association | 0 | |
2161-976X | Harvard law review (e-vir) | Harvard Law Review Pub. Association | 0 | |
Y505-5466 | Harvard law review (e-vir) | Harvard Law Review Association | 0 | |
0338-487X | Hérodote | Maspero; Ed. La Découverte | 0 | |
1776-2987 | Hérodote (e-vir) | [Éd. La Découverte] | 0 | |
0951-5224 | Higher education quarterly | "Basil Blackwell" | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2273 | Higher education quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1465-4466 | Historical materialism | London School of Economics; Koninklijke Brill; Turpin Distribution [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1569-206X | Historical materialism (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0172-6404 | Historical social research | Zentrum für Historische Sozialforschung im Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung | 0 | |
0018-2648 | History | B. Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-229X | History (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0191-6599 | History of European ideas | Elsevier Science Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-541X | History of European ideas (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0143-781X | History of political thought | Imprint Academic | 0 | ✔ |
2051-2988 | History of political thought (e-vir) | Imprint Academic | 0 | |
0952-6951 | History of the human sciences | SAGE Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-720X | History of the human sciences (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5083 | History of the human sciences (e-vir) | SAGE Publications | 0 | |
0073-2796 | Hitotsubashi journal of law and politics | 0 | ||
0073-280X | Hitotsubashi journal of social studies | 0 | ||
2436-0996 | Hitotsubashi journal of social studies (e-vir) | Hitotsubashi University = Hitotsubashi Daigaku; Hitotsubashi University = 一橋大学 | 0 | |
1848-0357 | Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava | Institut za javnu upravu ... [etc.] | 3 | |
1849-2150 | Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava (e-vir) | Institut za javnu upravu; Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta; Novi informator | 0 | |
0018-7259 | Human organization | Society for Applied Anthropology | 0 | ✔ |
1938-3517 | Human organization (e-vir) | Society for Applied Anthropology.; Bell & Howell Information and Learning. | 0 | |
1938-3525 | Human organization (e-vir) | The Society for Applied Anthropology | 0 | ✔ |
0275-0392 | Human rights quarterly | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1085-794X | Human rights quarterly (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0027-3120 | Il Mulino | Società Editrice il Mulino | 2 | ✔ |
1973-8145 | Il Mulino | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0031-4846 | Il Pensiero politico | Leo S. Olschki | 0 | |
2035-7958 | Il Pensiero politico (e-vir) | Leo Olschki Editore | 0 | |
0032-325X | Il Politico | Università degli studi, Pavia | 0 | |
2239-611X | Il Politico | Rubbettino | 0 | |
0261-9288 | Immigrants & minorities | Frank Cass & Co. Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1744-0521 | Immigrants & minorities (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0376-9771 | India International Centre quarterly | India International Centre | 0 | |
0303-9951 | Indian journal of politics | Aligarh Muslim University, Department of Political Science. | 0 | |
1473-6489 | India review | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1557-3036 | India review (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0019-7289 | Indonesia | Cornell Modern Indonesia Project | 0 | |
2164-8654 | Indonesia (e-vir) | Cornell Modern Indonesia Project | 0 | |
0304-2170 | Indonesian quarterly | Centre for Strategic and International Studies. | 0 | |
0019-7939 | Industrial & labor relations review | New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University | 0 | ✔ |
2162-271X | Industrial and labor relations review (e-vir) | Cornell University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0019-8676 | Industrial relations | Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California. | 0 | ✔ |
1468-232X | Industrial relations (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1351-1610 | Innovation | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8412 | Innovation (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0020-174X | Inquiry | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1502-3923 | Inquiry (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1302-177X | Insight Turkey | The Ankara Center for Turkish Policy Studies | 0 | |
2564-7717 | Insight Turkey (e-vir) | SET Vakfı İktisadi İşletmesi | 0 | |
0128-4878 | Intellectual discourse | International Islamic University | 0 | |
2289-5639 | Intellectual Discourse (e-vir) | IIUM Press | 0 | |
0268-4527 | Intelligence and national security | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9019 | Intelligence and national security (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0020-577X | Internasjonal politikk | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1891-1757 | Internasjonal politikk (e-vir) | Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing - NOASP - en del avforl. Cappelen Damm Akademisk | 0 | ✔ |
0020-5850 | International affairs | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0130-9641 | International affairs | All-Union Znaniye Society | 0 | |
1468-2346 | International affairs (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6895 | International and comparative law quarterly (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1567-536X | International criminal law review | Kluwer Law International | 0 | ✔ |
1571-8123 | International criminal law review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1439-8443 | Internationale Politik | Frankfurter Societäts-Dr.. | 0 | |
1461-6742 | International feminist journal of politics | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4470 | International feminist journal of politics (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0707-5332 | International history review | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7020 | International journal | Canadian Institute of International Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
2052-465X | International journal (e-vir) | SAGE Publications Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1474-2640 | International journal of constitutional law | Oxford University Press; School of Law | 0 | ✔ |
1474-2659 | International journal of constitutional law (e-vir) | Oxford University Press; School of Law | 0 | ✔ |
2322-5939 | International journal of health policy and management (e-vir) | Kerman University of Medical Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1364-2987 | International journal of human rights | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0268-4012 | International journal of information management | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1873-4707 | International journal of information management (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1740-8296 | International journal of media and cultural politics | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
2040-0918 | International journal of media and cultural politics (e-vir) | Intellect | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7438 | International journal of Middle East studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6380 | International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5148 | International journal of Middle East studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1093-4537 | International journal of organization theory and behavior | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 0 | |
1532-4273 | International journal of organization theory and behavior (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | |
1085-7494 | International journal of peace studies | Formosa College; Commissions of International Peace Research Association | 0 | |
0190-0692 | International journal of public administration | M. Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
0954-2892 | International journal of public opinion research | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
1471-6909 | International journal of public opinion research (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0953-8186 | International journal of refugee law | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3715 | International journal of refugee law (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1364-5579 | International journal of social research methodology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5300 | International journal of social research methodology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0309-1317 | International journal of urban and regional research | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2427 | International journal of urban and regional research (e-vir) | Blackwell; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1571-8115 | International journal on minority and group rights (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7985 | International migration | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2435 | International migration (e-vir) | J. Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1382-340X | International negotiation | Brill Academic Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
1571-8069 | International negotiation | Kluwer; Martinus Nijjhoff Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8183 | International organization | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-5088 | International organization (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1353-3312 | International peacekeeping | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1743-906X | International peacekeeping (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0192-5121 | International political science review | Butterworth Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1460-373X | International political science review (e-vir) | [Butterworth Scientific] | 0 | ✔ |
1749-5679 | International political sociology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1749-5687 | International political sociology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5202 | International political sociology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing; Wiley | 0 | |
1384-5748 | International politics | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1740-3898 | International politics (e-vir) | Kluwer Law International | 0 | ✔ |
2050-2982 | International politics reviews | 0 | ||
2050-2990 | International politics reviews (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | |
1096-7494 | International public management journal | JAI Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-3169 | International public management journal | Elsevier Science, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0047-1178 | International relations | David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2862 | International relations (e-vir) | [David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies] | 0 | ✔ |
1470-482X | International relations of the Asia-Pacific | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-4838 | International relations of the Asia-Pacific (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8523 | International review of administrative sciences | International Institute of Administrative Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7226 | International review of administrative sciences (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1229-4659 | International review of public administration | Korean Association for Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
2331-7795 | International review of public administration (e-vir) | Korean Association for Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0162-2889 | International security | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1531-4804 | International security (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8701 | International social science journal | Unesco | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2451 | International social science journal (e-vir) | Unesco | 0 | ✔ |
0268-5809 | International sociology | Sage Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1461-7242 | International sociology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8817 | International Studies | SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd.. | 1 | ✔ |
0973-0702 | International Studies | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1528-3577 | International studies perspectives | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1528-3585 | International studies perspectives (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8833 | International studies quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2478 | International studies quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2486 | International studies review (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1521-9488 | International studies review | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-9719 | International theory | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-9727 | International theory (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1684-9787 | IPRI journal | IPRI.; Islamabad Policy Research Institute. | 0 | |
0790-7184 | Irish political studies | PSAI Press | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9078 | Irish political studies (e-vir) | PSAI Press | 0 | ✔ |
0332-1460 | Irish studies in international affairs | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
2009-0072 | Irish studies in international affairs (e-vir) | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9311 | Islam and Christian Muslim relations (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0959-6410 | Islam and Christian-Muslim relations | Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1353-7121 | Israel affairs | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9086 | Israel affairs (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1084-9513 | Israel studies | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
1527-201X | Israel studies (e-vir) | Indiana University Press | 0 | |
2159-0370 | Israel studies review | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
2159-0389 | Israel studies review (e-vir) | Berghahn Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1013-2511 | Issues and studies - Institute of International Relations | Institute of International Relations | 0 | |
2057-4908 | Italian political science review = (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-4946 | Italian politics | Frances Pinter (Publishers) | 0 | |
2326-7259 | Italian politics (e-vir) | Berghahn Books | 0 | |
1468-1099 | Japanese journal of political science | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0060 | Japanese journal of political science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0955-5803 | Japan forum | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-932X | Japan forum (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0021-6704 | Jewish social studies | s.n. | 0 | |
1527-2028 | Jewish social studies (e-vir) | Conference on Jewish Relations | 0 | |
0021-8170 | Journal du droit international | Marchal et Godde | 0 | |
1479-7585 | Journal for cultural research | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1740-1666 | Journal for cultural research (e-vir) | [Carfax] | 0 | ✔ |
1464-8849 | Journalism | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3001 | Journalism (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1077-6990 | Journalism & mass communication quarterly | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; Sage | 0 | ✔ |
2161-430X | Journalism & mass communication quarterly (e-vir) | Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication; Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8758 | Journal of American studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5154 | Journal of American studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6879 | Journal of applied behavioral science (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9096 | Journal of Asian and African studies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1745-2538 | Journal of Asian and African studies (e-vir) | Brill Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1751-6234 | Journal of Asian public policy | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1751-6242 | Journal of Asian public policy | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1944-8953 | Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern studies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1944-8961 | Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern studies | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
2381-2346 | Journal of Chinese governance | 0 | ✔ | |
2381-2354 | Journal of Chinese governance (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1874-6357 | Journal of Chinese political science (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6954 | Journal of Chinese political science = | Dept. of Political Science, University of Tennessee | 0 | ✔ |
1468-795X | Journal of classical sociology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2897 | Journal of classical sociology | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9886 | Journal of common market studies | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5965 | Journal of common market studies (e-vir) | Blackwell; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9916 | Journal of communication | Oxford University press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2466 | Journal of communication (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1387-6988 | Journal of comparative policy analysis | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-5448 | Journal of comparative policy analysis | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1337-7477 | Journal of comparative politics | Consortium of four Central European universities | 0 | |
1338-1385 | Journal of comparative politics (e-vir) | Department of Political Science; Center for Analysis of Administrative-Political Processes and Institutions; Alma Mater Europea-European Centre Maribor (AMEU-ECM) | 3 | |
1467-7954 | Journal of conflict and security law | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1467-7962 | Journal of conflict and security law (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-5405 | Journal of consumer culture | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2900 | Journal of consumer culture (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0258-9001 | Journal of contemporary african studies | Institute of Social and Economic Research. Rhodes University | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9397 | Journal of contemporary African studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2336 | Journal of contemporary Asia | School of Oriental and African Studies, | 0 | ✔ |
1752-7554 | Journal of contemporary Asia (e-vir) | Journal of Contemporary Asia | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9400 | Journal of contemporary China (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0094 | Journal of contemporary history | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7250 | Journal of contemporary history (e-vir) | Weidenfeld and Nicolson | 0 | ✔ |
0966-0879 | Journal of contingencies and crisis management | Blackwell Business | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5973 | Journal of contingencies and crisis management (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1868-1026 | Journal of current Chinese affairs | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies | 1 | ✔ |
1868-4874 | Journal of current Chinese affairs | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1868-1034 | Journal of current Southeast Asian affairs | Institute of Asian Studies, German Institute of Global and Area Studies.; German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies. | 0 | ✔ |
1868-4882 | Journal of current Southeast Asian affairs | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Asian Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1303-2925 | Journal of Cyprus studies = | Doægu Akdeniz Üniversitesi | 0 | |
1045-5736 | Journal of democracy | John Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3214 | Journal of democracy (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0169-796X | Journal of developing societies | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1745-2546 | Journal of developing societies (e-vir) | de Sitter Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9140 | Journal of development studies (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1598-2408 | Journal of East Asian Studies | East Asia Institute; Nanam | 0 | ✔ |
2234-6643 | Journal of East Asian Studies (e-vir) | East Asia Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1748-7870 | Journal of economic policy reform | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1748-7889 | Journal of economic policy reform (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1745-7289 | Journal of elections, public opinion and parties | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1745-7297 | Journal of elections, public opinions & parties (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1369-183X | Journal of ethnic and migration studies | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9451 | Journal of ethnic and migration studies (e-vir) | JEMS, Sussex centre for migration research, University of Sussex, UK | 0 | ✔ |
0703-6337 | Journal of European integration | Harwood Academic Publishers; Centre d'études et de documentation européennes, Université de Montréal | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2280 | Journal of European integration (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1350-1763 | Journal of European public policy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4429 | Journal of European public policy (e-vir) | Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
0258-9680 | Journal of European studies | University of Karachi. Area Study Centre for Europe. | 0 | |
2052-2649 | Journal of experimental political science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2052-2630 | Journal of Experimental Political Science | 0 | ✔ | |
1462-3528 | Journal of genocide research | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9494 | Journal of genocide research (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2057-3189 | Journal of global security studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0897-7186 | Journal of health & social policy | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1540-4064 | Journal of health & social policy (e-vir) | Haworth Press; -2006 | 0 | |
1933-1681 | Journal of information technology & politics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1933-169X | Journal of information technology & politics (e-vir) | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-7044 | Journal of information technology & politics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
0932-4569 | Journal of institutional and theoretical economics | Mohr Siebeck | 0 | ✔ |
1614-0559 | Journal of institutional and theoretical economics (e-vir) | Mohr Siebeck. | 0 | ✔ |
1744-1374 | Journal of institutional economics | Cambridge University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1744-1382 | Journal of institutional economics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-197X | Journal of international affairs | School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University. | 0 | |
1226-8550 | Journal of International and Area Studies | Graduate Institute for International and Area Studies, Seoul National University. | 0 | |
1488-3473 | Journal of international migration and integration | Prairie Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Integration. | 0 | ✔ |
1874-6365 | Journal of international migration and integration (e-vir) | Springer Netherllands | 0 | ✔ |
1755-0882 | Journal of international political theory | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-1722 | Journal of international political theory (e-vir) | Edinburgh University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1581-1980 | Journal of international relations & development (e-vir) | Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre of International Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1408-6980 | Journal of international relations and development | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Centre of International Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1569-2159 | Journal of language and politics | John Benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9862 | Journal of language and politics | John benjamins Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
0022-216X | Journal of Latin American studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-767X | Journal of Latin American studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-7341 | Journal of law, ecomomics & organization (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
8756-6222 | Journal of law, economics & organization | Yale University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0263-323X | Journal of law and society | Martin Robertson | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6478 | Journal of law and society | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9337 | Journal of legislative studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1947-6957 | Journal of libertarian studies (e-vir) | Center for Libertarian Studies.; Ludwig Von Mises Institute. | 0 | |
0022-2380 | Journal of management studies | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-6486 | Journal of management studies (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1045-3695 | Journal of managerial issues | Gladys A. Kelce School of Business and Economics, Pittsburg State University | 0 | |
2328-7470 | Journal of managerial issues (e-vir) | Gladys A. Kelce School of Business and Economics, Pittsburg State University | 0 | |
0022-278X | Journal of modern African studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1354-571X | Journal of modern Italian studies | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9583 | Journal of modern Italian studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0377-919X | Journal of Palestine studies | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8614 | Journal of Palestine studies (e-vir) | Institute for Palestine Studies; Kuwait University | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3433 | Journal of peace research | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3578 | Journal of peace research (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0276-8739 | Journal of policy analysis and management | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6688 | Journal of policy analysis and management (e-vir) | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
0161-8938 | Journal of Policy Modeling | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1558-8742 | Journal of policy practice | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1558-8750 | Journal of policy practice (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
2642-2190 | Journal of political & military sociology (e-vir) | Journal of Political and Military Sociology | 0 | |
0022-3808 | Journal of political economy | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1356-9317 | Journal of political ideologies | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9613 | Journal of political ideologies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
2158-3803 | Journal of political power (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2158-379X | Journal of Political Power | 0 | ✔ | |
1551-2169 | Journal of political science education | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1551-2177 | Journal of political science education (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1994-1080 | Journal of political studies | Department of Political Science | 0 | |
2308-8338 | Journal of political studies | Department of Political Science | 0 | |
1866-802X | Journal of politics in Latin America | Institute of Latin American Studies, German Institute of Global and Area Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1868-4890 | Journal of politics in Latin America | German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institute of Latin American Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1053-1858 | Journal of public administration research and theory | Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1477-9803 | Journal of public administration research and theory (e-vir) | Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1070-521X | Journal of public and international affairs | Association of Professional Schools in International Affairs.; Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. | 0 | |
1096-3367 | Journal of public budgeting, accounting & financial management (e-vir) | Emerald | 0 | ✔ |
1945-1814 | Journal of public budgeting, accounting & financial management (e-vir) | PrAcademics Press | 0 | |
0143-814X | Journal of public policy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7815 | Journal of public policy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1535-0118 | Journal of public procurement | PrAcademics Press | 1 | ✔ |
2150-6930 | Journal of public procurement (e-vir) | PrAcademics Press | 0 | |
0951-6328 | Journal of refugee studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6925 | Journal of refugee studies (e-vir) | Oxford university press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4146 | Journal of regional science | Regional Science Research Institute. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9787 | Journal of regional science (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1440-7833 | Journal of sociology | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2978 | Journal of sociology (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0022-4634 | Journal of Southeast Asian studies | Mcgraw-Hill Far Eastern Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0680 | Journal of Southeast Asian studies (e-vir) | Far Eastern Publishers International | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9639 | Journal of southeast European and Black Sea studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass; Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
1468-3857 | Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea studies | Frank Cass | 2 | ✔ |
0305-7070 | Journal of southern african studies | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3893 | Journal of southern African studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1059-4329 | Journal of Supreme Court history | The Society | 0 | |
1540-5818 | Journal of Supreme Court history (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | |
0194-4363 | Journal of the American Planning Association | American Planning Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-0130 | Journal of the American Planning Association (e-vir) | [American Planning Association] | 0 | ✔ |
1354-7860 | Journal of the Asia Pacific economy | Routledge Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9648 | Journal of the Asia Pacific economy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0364-2976 | Journal of the Hellenic diaspora | Hellenic American Society. | 0 | |
0022-5037 | Journal of the history of ideas | Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3222 | Journal of the history of ideas (e-vir) | Journal of the History of Ideas, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1948-0881 | Journal of the Indian Ocean region | Indian Ocean Research Group. | 0 | ✔ |
1948-108X | Journal of the Indian Ocean region (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0951-6298 | Journal of theoretical politics | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3667 | Journal of theoretical politics (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0964-1998 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-985X | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in society (e-vir) | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0253-1097 | Journal of the social sciences | Kuwait University, Faculty of Commerce, Economics and Political Science | 0 | |
2692-1618 | Journal of third world studies (e-vir) | Association of Third World Studies | 0 | |
8755-3449 | Journal of third world studies | Association of Third World Studies | 0 | |
0735-2166 | Journal of urban affairs | Division of Environment and Urban Systems, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9906 | Journal of urban affairs | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
1559-372X | Journal of Vietnamese studies | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-3738 | Journal of Vietnamese studies (e-vir) | University of California Press | 0 | ✔ |
1554-477X | Journal of women, politics & policy | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1554-4788 | Journal of women, politics & policy (e-vir) | The Haworth Press Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2697 | JPMS; journal of political & military sociology | s.n. | 0 | |
1369-4154 | Kantian review | University of Wales Press | 0 | ✔ |
2044-2394 | Kantian review (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0023-2653 | Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1861-891X | Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (e-vir) | Verl. für Sozialwiss.. | 0 | ✔ |
0023-3900 | Korea Journal | Korean National Commision for Unesco | 0 | |
2733-9343 | Korea journal (Online) (e-vir) | Academy of Korean Studies | 0 | |
0023-4834 | Kritische Justiz | Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
2101-0226 | L'Homme et la société (e-vir) | [L'Harmattan] | 0 | |
0018-4306 | L' Homme et la société | Éditions L`Harmattan | 0 | |
0011-1546 | La Critica sociologica | Accademia Editoriale | 0 | ✔ |
1972-5914 | La Critica sociologica | Fabrizio Serra | 0 | ✔ |
0272-2690 | Language problems & language planning | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9889 | Language problems & language planning (e-vir) | John Benjamins | 0 | ✔ |
0031-4773 | La Pensée | Les Editions sociales internationales | 0 | |
1287-1672 | La Revue internationale et stratégique | Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (France) | 0 | |
0035-3809 | La Revue nouvelle | Revue nouvelle a.s.b.l.. | 0 | |
0094-582X | Latin American perspectives | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-678X | Latin American perspectives (e-vir) | Latin American Perspectives | 0 | ✔ |
1531-426X | Latin American politics and society | University of Miami, School of International Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1548-2456 | Latin American politics and society (e-vir) | School of International Studies, University of Miami | 0 | ✔ |
0023-8791 | Latin American research review | Latin American Studies Association | 0 | ✔ |
1542-4278 | Latin American research review (e-vir) | University of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
1476-3435 | Latino studies | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1476-3443 | Latino studies (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0265-8240 | Law & policy | Basil Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9930 | Law & policy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0023-9216 | Law & society review | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1540-5893 | Law & society review (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0023-9186 | Law and contemporary problems | School of Law, Duke University | 0 | |
1945-2322 | Law and contemporary problems (e-vir) | School of Law, Duke University | 0 | |
0362-9805 | Legislative studies quarterly | Comparative Legislative Research Center, University of Iowa.; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9162 | Legislative studies quarterly (e-vir) | Comparative Legislative Research Center, University of Iowa; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0922-1565 | Leiden journal of international law | Leiden University, Faculty of Law; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1478-9698 | Leiden journal of international law (e-vir) | Leiden Journal of International Law Foundation | 1 | ✔ |
0027-2671 | Le Mouvement social | Éditions ouvrières | 0 | |
1961-8646 | Le Mouvement social (e-vir) | [Éd. de l'Atelier] | 0 | |
0767-6468 | Les Cahiers de l'Orient | Société française d'édition et d'impression et de réalisation; Cariscript | 0 | |
0008-0217 | Les Cahiers français | Documentation française | 0 | |
1968-3820 | Les Nouveaux cahiers du Conseil constitutionnel (e-vir) | France | 0 | |
2112-2679 | Les Nouveaux Cahiers du Conseil Constitutionnel | Dalloz | 0 | |
0340-0425 | Leviathan | GWV Fachverlage | 0 | ✔ |
1861-8588 | Leviathan (e-vir) | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
1124-9048 | Limes | Arnoldo Mondadori editore | 1 | |
2465-1494 | Limes (e-vir) | Gruppo editoriale L'Espresso | 2 | |
0024-5089 | Lituanus | Lituanus Foundation, Inc. | 0 | |
0300-3930 | Local government studies | Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9388 | Local government studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0163-4437 | Media, culture & society | Sage Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1460-3675 | Media, culture & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1362-9395 | Mediterranean politics | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9418 | Mediterranean politics (e-vir) | Pinter; Fairleigh Dickinson University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1047-4552 | Mediterranean quarterly | Duke University Press Journals | 0 | |
1527-1935 | Mediterranean quarterly (e-vir) | Published by Duke University Press under the editorial direction of Mediterranean Affairs Inc. | 0 | |
0026-0096 | Merkur | Klett-Cotta | 0 | |
2510-4179 | Merkur (e-vir) | Klett-Cotta | 0 | |
0323-1844 | Mezinárodní vztahy | Ústav mezinárodních vztah°u. | 0 | |
2570-9429 | Mezinárodní vztahy (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0025-8555 | Međunarodni problemi | Institut za medunarodnu politiku i privredu | 0 | |
2406-0690 | Međunarodni problemi (e-vir) | Institut za medunarodnu politiku i privredu | 0 | |
0394-7378 | MicroMega | Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso | 0 | |
0026-3206 | Middle Eastern studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7881 | Middle Eastern studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1061-1924 | Middle East policy | Middle East Policy Council | 0 | ✔ |
1475-4967 | Middle East policy | Blackwell Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1073-9467 | Middle East quarterly | Middle East Forum | 0 | |
2049-5838 | Migration studies | 0 | ✔ | |
2049-5846 | Migration studies (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0544-1943 | Milletlerarası münasebetler Türk yıllığı | Ankara Üniversitesi | 0 | |
0026-5829 | Mirovaâ ekonomika i meždunarodnye otnošeniâ | Pravda | 0 | |
0963-9489 | Modern & contemporary France | Longman Group UK | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9869 | Modern & contemporary France (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0026-749X | Modern Asian studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8099 | Modern Asian studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0097-7004 | Modern China | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-6836 | Modern China (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1241-5294 | Monde arabe, Maghreb, Machrek | France | 0 | |
1767-3755 | Monde chinois | Choiseul éd | 0 | |
2271-1929 | Monde chinois (e-vir) | Eska | 0 | |
1353-7113 | Nationalism and ethnic politics | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 1 | ✔ |
1557-2986 | Nationalism and ethnic politics (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0090-5992 | Nationalities papers | Taylor&Francis; Association for the study of nationalities | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3923 | Nationalities papers (e-vir) | Carfax; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1354-5078 | Nations and nationalism | Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
1469-8129 | Nations and nationalism (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press; Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0028-1484 | Naval War College review | Naval War College | 0 | |
0748-4526 | Negotiation journal | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1571-9979 | Negotiation journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0924-1477 | Netherlands journal of social sciences | Van Gorcum | 0 | |
0924-0519 | Netherlands quarterly of human rights | Stichting Studie- en Informatiecentrum Mensenrechten | 0 | ✔ |
2214-7357 | Netherlands quarterly of human rights (e-vir) | Studie- en Informatiecentrum Mensenrechten | 0 | ✔ |
0028-6060 | New left review | New Left Review | 0 | |
2044-0480 | New left review (e-vir) | New Left Review | 0 | |
1461-4448 | New media & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7315 | New media & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0893-7850 | New perspectives quarterly | Institute for National Strategy | 0 | |
1540-5842 | New perspectives quarterly (e-vir) | Published by Blackwell Publishers for the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions | 0 | |
1356-3467 | New political economy | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9923 | New political economy (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0739-3148 | New political science | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9931 | New political science (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0028-6494 | New politics | New Politics Associates | 0 | |
0028-7881 | New York University law review | New York University School of Law | 0 | |
0121-7550 | Nomadas | Fundacion Universidad Central | 0 | |
2539-4762 | Nómadas (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0029-1285 | Nordisk administrativt tidsskrift | Nordisk Administrativt Forbund | 0 | |
0801-1745 | Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1504-2936 | Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0090-8320 | Ocean development and international law | Crane, Russak & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0642 | Ocean development and international law (e-vir) | 1996- | 0 | ✔ |
0030-4387 | Orbis | Foreign Policy Research Institute. | 0 | ✔ |
0048-2129 | Ordo | Küpper | 0 | ✔ |
2366-0481 | Ordo (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1350-5084 | Organization | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7323 | Organization (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0170-8406 | Organization studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3044 | Organization studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0030-5227 | Orient | Dt. Orient-Inst. | 0 | |
0030-5472 | Oriente moderno | Istituto per l'Oriente C. A. Nallino | 0 | ✔ |
2213-8617 | Oriente moderno (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1306-682X | Orta Asya ve Kafkasya araşt%rmalar% | Uluslararas% Stratejik Araşt%rmalar Kurumu Derne#i | 0 | |
2313-5433 | Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2585 | Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl. | 0 | ✔ |
0030-6428 | Osteuropa | Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt | 0 | |
2509-3444 | Osteuropa (e-vir) | Berliner Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | |
1615-5548 | ÖZP. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | Nomos-Verl. | 0 | |
1011-0070 | ÖZS | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Soziologie | 0 | ✔ |
0030-851X | Pacific affairs | University of British Columbia | 0 | ✔ |
1715-3379 | Pacific affairs (e-vir) | University of British Columbia | 0 | ✔ |
0275-3596 | Pacific studies | Polynesian Cultural Center (Laie, Hawaii); Brigham Young University--Hawaii Campus. | 0 | |
0031-0980 | Państwo i Prawo | RSW Prasa-Ksiaążka-Ruch Wydawnictwo Współczesne | 0 | |
0031-2290 | Parliamentary affairs | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2482 | Parliamentary affairs (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1122-5300 | Parolechiave | Carocci | 0 | |
1827-8965 | Parolechiave (e-vir) | Carocci | 0 | |
1354-0688 | Party politics | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3683 | Party politics (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0149-0508 | Peace and change | California State College | 0 | ✔ |
1468-0130 | Peace and change (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1078-1919 | Peace and conflict | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7949 | Peace and conflict | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
1082-7307 | Peace and conflict studies | Network of Peace and Conflict Studies | 1 | ✔ |
1028-4885 | Peace and security | International Institute for Peace | 0 | |
1040-2659 | Peace review | Peace Review Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9982 | Peace review (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0336-1551 | Penant | La Documentation africaine; Editions Juriscope | 0 | |
1300-8641 | Perceptions | Intermedia Uluslararasi İletişim AŞ | 0 | |
2398-4910 | Perspective on public management and governance | 0 | ✔ | |
1021-9013 | Perspectives chinoises | Centre d'etudes et d'information sur la Chine | 0 | |
1996-4609 | Perspectives chinoises (e-vir) | Centre d'études français sur la Chine contemporaine | 0 | |
1568-0258 | Perspectives on European politics and society (e-vir) | Brill; Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1570-5854 | Perspectives on European politics and society | Brill | 0 | |
1569-1497 | Perspectives on global development and technology (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1500 | Perspectives on global development and technology | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1045-7097 | Perspectives on political science | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1930-5478 | Perspectives on political science (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5927 | Perspectives on politics | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0986 | Perspectives on politics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2398-4929 | Perspectives on public management and governance (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2165-025X | Philippine political science journal (e-vir) | Philippine Political Science Association; Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0115-4451 | Philippine Political Science Journal | Philippine Political Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8116 | Philosophical studies | Reidel | 1 | ✔ |
1573-0883 | Philosophical studies (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0048-3915 | Philosophy & public affairs | Princeton University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1088-4963 | Philosophy & public affairs (e-vir) | Princeton University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0191-4537 | Philosophy & social criticism | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
1461-734X | Philosophy & social criticism (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0048-3931 | Philosophy of the social sciences | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7441 | Philosophy of the social sciences (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1473-0952 | Planning theory | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3052 | Planning theory (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3057 | Polar record (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1449-4035 | Policy & society | Government and International Relations, University of Sydney | 0 | ✔ |
1839-3373 | Policy & society (e-vir) | Government and International Relations, University of Sydney | 0 | ✔ |
0305-5736 | Policy and politics | Policy Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-8442 | Policy and politics (e-vir) | Policy Press | 0 | ✔ |
0146-5945 | Policy review | Heritage Foundation | 0 | |
0032-2687 | Policy sciences | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0891 | Policy sciences (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0144-2872 | Policy studies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1006 | Policy studies (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers; Routledge. | 0 | ✔ |
0190-292X | Policy studies journal | University of Illinois | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0072 | Policy studies journal (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1026-9487 | Polis | Polis | 0 | |
2612-2030 | Polis (e-vir) | il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1684-0070 | Polis.; Полис (e-vir) | Polis; Полис | 0 | |
1120-9488 | Polis = | Società Editrice il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0208-7375 | Polish Political Science | Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich | 0 | |
2956-7270 | Polish Political Science Yearbook (e-vir) | Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek; Fundacja Wspierania Współpracy Międzynarodowej imienia Profesora Czesława Mojsiewicza; Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw; Military University of Poland | 0 | |
0032-3063 | Politica del diritto | Il Mulino. | 0 | ✔ |
1973-8161 | Politica del diritto | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0213-6856 | Política exterior | Estudios de Política Exterior | 0 | |
0873-6650 | Política internacional | Gradiva [distrib.], | 0 | |
1047-1987 | Political analysis | University of Michigan Press | 0 | ✔ |
1476-4989 | Political analysis (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1081-6976 | Political and legal anthropology review | Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, a division of the American Anthropological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1555-2934 | Political and legal anthropology review (e-vir) | [Association for Political and Legal Anthropology] | 0 | ✔ |
0732-1228 | Political anthropology | Transaction Books | 0 | |
0190-9320 | Political behavior | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6687 | Political behavior | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1058-4609 | Political communication | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1091-7675 | Political communication | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0962-6298 | Political geography | Butterworth-Heinemann | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5096 | Political geography (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0198-8719 | Political power and social theory | JAI Press. | 0 | |
0162-895X | Political psychology | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9221 | Political psychology (e-vir) | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3179 | Political quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-923X | Political quarterly (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1065-9129 | Political research quarterly | University of Utah | 0 | ✔ |
1938-274X | Political research quarterly (e-vir) | University of Utah | 0 | ✔ |
1538-165X | Political science quarterly (e-vir) | Academy of Political Science | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3195 | Political Science Quarterly | Academy of Political Science; John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
2049-8470 | Political science research and methods | European Political Science Association. | 0 | ✔ |
2049-8489 | Political science research and methods (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3217 | Political studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9248 | Political studies (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1478-9299 | Political studies review | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1478-9302 | Political studies review (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
Y503-0951 | Political studies review | Sage Publications | 0 | |
0090-5917 | Political theory | Sage Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7476 | Political theory (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1405-1060 | Política y gobierno | Centro de investigación y docencia económicas, A.C.. | 0 | |
1988-3129 | Política y sociedad | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1130-8001 | Política y Sociedad | Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología | 0 | |
0032-3241 | Politička misao | Fakultet političkih znanosti u Zagrebu | 1 | |
1846-8721 | Politička misao (e-vir) | Fakultet političkih znanosti | 0 | |
0263-3957 | Politics | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9256 | Politics (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1010-9137 | Politics, administration and change | Center for Public Affairs | 0 | |
1866-3427 | Politics, culture and socialization | 0 | ||
1470-594X | Politics, philosophy & economics | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3060 | Politics, philosophy & economics (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2156-7697 | Politics, religion & ideology (e-vir) | Routledge, Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1743-923X | Politics & gender | Cambridge University Press for the Women and Politics Research Section of the American Political Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9248 | Politics & gender (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1555-5623 | Politics & policy | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1747-1346 | Politics & policy (e-vir) | Georgia Southern University | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3292 | Politics & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-7514 | Politics & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1755-0483 | Politics and religion | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1755-0491 | Politics and religion (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0730-9384 | Politics and the life sciences | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1471-5457 | Politics and the life sciences (e-vir) | Association for Politics and the Life Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
2156-7689 | Politics Religion & Ideology | 0 | ✔ | |
0032-3365 | Politiikka | Valtiotieteellinen yhdistys. | 0 | ✔ |
2669-8617 | Politiikka (e-vir) | Valtiotieteellinen yhdistys | 0 | ✔ |
1604-0058 | Politik | Københavns Universitet. | 0 | |
2446-0893 | Politik (e-vir) | Københavns Universitet. | 0 | |
1820-6581 | Politikologija religije | Centar za proučavanje religije i versku toleranciju | 0 | |
1820-659X | Politikologija religije (e-vir) | Centar za proučavanje religije i versku toleranciju | 0 | |
0258-9346 | Politikon | Staatkundige Vereniging van Suid-Afrika | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1014 | Politikon (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1583-3984 | Politikon | IAPSS | 0 | |
2414-6633 | Politikon (e-vir) | International Association for Political Science Students (IAPPS) | 0 | |
1771-8848 | Politique américaine | Politique américaine | 0 | |
0032-342X | Politique étrangère | Centre d'études de politique étrangère | 0 | |
1958-8992 | Politique étrangère (e-vir) | A. Colin | 0 | |
1203-9438 | Politique et sociétés | Société québécoise de science politique | 0 | |
1623-6297 | Politique européenne | Centre européen de Sciences po (Paris) | 0 | |
2105-2875 | Politique européenne (e-vir) | l'Harmattan | 0 | |
0221-2781 | Politique internationale | Politique internationale | 0 | |
2119-4831 | Politiques & management public (e-vir) | Politiques et management public | 0 | ✔ |
0032-3462 | Politische Studien | Atwerb-Verlag | 0 | |
0032-3470 | Politische Vierteljahresschrift | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2860 | Politische Vierteljahresschrift | Verl. für Sozialwiss./GWV-Fachverl. | 0 | ✔ |
0295-2319 | Politix | Association des étudiants en science politique de Paris 1 | 0 | |
0032-3497 | Polity | Northeastern Political Science Association, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1744-1684 | Polity (e-vir) | University of Massachusetts Press | 0 | ✔ |
0167-5923 | Population research and policy review | Elsevier; Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7829 | Population research and policy review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0152-0768 | Pouvoirs | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
2101-0390 | Pouvoirs (e-vir) | Pouvoirs | 0 | |
0765-1333 | Problèmes d'Amérique latine | France | 0 | |
0033-0884 | Projet | Centre de recherche et d'action sociales (France) | 0 | |
1049-0965 | PS, political science & politics | American Political Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5935 | PS online (e-vir) | American Political Science Assoc. | 0 | ✔ |
0956-7976 | Psychological science | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9280 | Psychological science (e-vir) | Sage | 1 | ✔ |
0033-3298 | Public administration | Royal Institute of Public Administration | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9299 | Public administration (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1727-2645 | Public administration and policy | City University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong Public Administration Association. | 0 | |
2517-679X | Public administration and policy (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0033-3352 | Public administration review | American society for public administration | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6210 | Public administration review (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0275-1100 | Public budgeting & finance | Transaction Periodicals Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
1540-5850 | Public budgeting & finance (e-vir) | Published by Blackwell Publishers for Public Financial Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0048-5829 | Public choice | Martinus Nühoff Social Sciences division | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7101 | Public choice (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0899-2363 | Public culture | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8018 | Public culture (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3565 | Public law | Sweet & Maxwell | 0 | ✔ |
0033-362X | Public opinion quarterly | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5331 | Public opinion quarterly (e-vir) | Public Opinion Quarterly, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1566-7170 | Public organization review | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7098 | Public organization review (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0952-0767 | Public policy and administration | Joint University Council, Public Administration Committee | 0 | ✔ |
1749-4192 | Public policy and administration (e-vir) | Public Administration Committee, Joint University Council | 0 | ✔ |
0110-5191 | Public sector | New Zealand Institute of Public Administration; Institute of Public Administration New Zealand | 0 | |
1176-9831 | Public sector (e-vir) | Institute of Public Administration New Zealand. | 0 | |
0048-5950 | Publius | Center for the Study of Federalism, Temple University. | 0 | ✔ |
1747-7107 | Publius (e-vir) | Center for the Study of Federalism, Temple University | 0 | ✔ |
1124-7959 | Quaderni di scienza politica | Name. Centro Editoriale Italiano Telematico | 0 | ✔ |
2785-2776 | Quaderni di scienza politica (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | |
0033-4944 | Quaderni di scienze sociali | Casa editrice Dott. A. Giuffré | 0 | |
1554-0626 | Quarterly journal of political science | Now | 0 | ✔ |
1554-0634 | Quarterly journal of political science | Now Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0306-3968 | Race & class | Institute of Race Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1741-3125 | Race & class (e-vir) | Institute of Race Relations | 0 | ✔ |
1291-1941 | Raisons politiques | Raisons politiques, | 0 | |
0486-0349 | Rassegna italiana di sociologia | SOc. Editrice il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
2612-1433 | Rassegna italiana di sociologia (e-vir) | il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
1043-4631 | Rationality and society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7358 | Rationality and society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0034-1282 | Recherches sociographiques | Dép. de sociologie, Université Laval | 0 | |
0344-7871 | Recht und Politik | BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
2366-6757 | Recht und Politik (e-vir) | Duncker & Humblot; GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
1359-7566 | Regional & federal studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9434 | Regional & federal studies (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0254-7988 | Regional studies | Institute of Regional Studies | 0 | |
1645-9199 | Relações internacionais | Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais | 0 | |
2183-0436 | Relações internacionais (e-vir) | Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais | 0 | |
0335-2013 | Relations internationales | Soliec | 0 | |
2105-2654 | Relations internationales (e-vir) | PUF | 0 | |
0963-7494 | Religion, state & society | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3974 | Religion, state & society (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0034-4893 | Representation | The McDougall Trust | 0 | ✔ |
1749-4001 | Representation (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0191-3085 | Research in organizational behavior | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2468-1741 | Research in organizational behavior (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0048-7333 | Research policy | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7625 | Research policy (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0486-4700 | Res publica | Politologisch instituut | 0 | |
1356-4765 | Res publica | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8692 | Res publica (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0305-6244 | Review of African political economy | Merlin Press | 0 | |
1740-1720 | Review of African political economy (e-vir) | Merlin Press] | 0 | |
0925-9880 | Review of central and east European law | Martinus Nijhoff | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0352 | Review of Central and East European law (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1718-4835 | Review of European and Russian affairs (e-vir) | Carleton University | 0 | |
0486-6096 | Review of international affairs | Međunarodna politika | 0 | |
0969-2290 | Review of international political economy | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1466-4526 | Review of international political economy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0260-2105 | Review of international studies | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9044 | Review of international studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2151-3481 | Review of Middle East studies | Middle East Studies Association of North America | 0 | ✔ |
2329-3225 | Review of Middle East studies (e-vir) | Middle East Studies Association of North America | 0 | ✔ |
1541-132X | Review of policy research | University of Tennessee, Energy, Environment & Resources Center | 0 | ✔ |
0953-8259 | Review of political economy | Routledge; Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3982 | Review of political economy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6764 | Review of social economy | Association for Social Economics | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1162 | Review of social economy (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1983-3121 | Revista brasileira de política internacional (e-vir) | Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais. | 0 | |
0034-7329 | Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional | Instituto Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais. | 0 | |
1138-4026 | Revista de derecho comunitario europeo | Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España); Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (España) | 0 | |
0048-7694 | Revista de estudios políticos | Instituto de Estudios Políticos (Madrid); Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España); Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (España) | 0 | |
0718-0241 | Revista enfoques | Facultad de Ciencia Política y Administración Publica, Universidad Central de Chile | 0 | |
0718-9656 | Revista enfoques | Facultad de Ciencia Política y Administración Publica, Universidad Central de Chile | 0 | |
1575-6548 | Revista española de ciencia política | AECPA | 0 | |
2173-9870 | Revista española de ciencia política | AECPA | 0 | |
0211-5743 | Revista española de derecho constitucional | Centro de Estudios Constitucionales (España); Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (España) | 0 | |
1989-0648 | Revista española de derecho constitucional (e-vir) | Centro de Estudios Constitucionales | 0 | |
0034-9380 | Revista española de derecho internacional | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | |
2387-1253 | Revista española de derecho internacional (e-vir) | Marcial Pons | 0 | |
0104-026X | Revista estudos feministas | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas; Centro de Comunicação e Expressão | 0 | |
1806-9584 | Revista Estudos Feministas (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas | 0 | ✔ |
1132-9432 | Revista internacional de filosofía política | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España); Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana | 0 | |
1988-429X | Revista internacional de sciología | CSIC, Departamento de Publicaciones | 0 | ✔ |
0034-9712 | Revista internacional de sociología | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1582-456X | Revista românæa de ştiinţe politice | Societatea Academicæa din România | 0 | |
0954-6545 | Revolutionary Russia | Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-7873 | Revolutionary Russia (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0225-5189 | Revue canadienne d'études du développement = | Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa. | 0 | ✔ |
2158-9100 | Revue canadienne d'études du développement = (e-vir) | Éditions de l'universite d'Ottawa = University of Ottawa Press | 0 | ✔ |
0035-0974 | Revue d'Allemagne | Centre d'études germaniques (Strasbourg) | 0 | |
0338-0599 | Revue d'études comparatives est-ouest | Centre national de la recherche scientifique | 0 | |
2259-6100 | Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest (e-vir) | [Centre national de la recherche scientifique] | 0 | |
2105-7508 | Revue Défense nationale | Comité d'études de défense nationale (Paris) | 0 | |
1152-9172 | Revue des affaires européennes | Mys & Breesch. | 1 | |
2105-2271 | Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (e-vir) | Publications de l'Université de Provence | 0 | |
0035-2578 | Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l'étranger | Chevalier-Marescq | 0 | |
0035-2616 | Revue du marché commun | Editions techniques et économiques | 0 | |
0997-1327 | Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée | Association pour l'étude des sciences humaines en Afrique du Nord et au Proche-Orient | 0 | |
0035-2764 | Revue économique | [s.n.] | 0 | |
1950-6694 | Revue économique (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
0048-8046 | Revue européenne des sciences sociales | Droz | 0 | |
1663-4446 | Revue européenne des sciences sociales (e-vir) | Université de Genève.; Fondation Barbier-Mueller pour l'étude de la poésie italienne de la Renaissance | 0 | |
0152-7401 | Revue française d'administration publique | Institut international d'administration publique | 0 | |
0397-7870 | Revue française d'études américaines | Association française d'études américaines; Belin | 0 | ✔ |
1776-3061 | Revue française d'études américaines (e-vir) | Belin | 0 | |
1266-7862 | Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques | Picard éd | 0 | |
2119-3851 | Revue française d'histoire des idées politiques (e-vir) | Éd. Picard | 0 | |
0763-1219 | Revue française de droit administratif | Dalloz :; Sirey. | 0 | |
1151-2385 | Revue française de droit constitutionnel | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | ✔ |
0035-2985 | Revue française des affaires sociales | France | 0 | |
0035-2950 | Revue française de science politique | Presses universitaires de France | 0 | |
1950-6686 | Revue française de science politique (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
0035-2969 | Revue Francaise de Sociologie | Edition Ophrys | 0 | |
1958-5691 | Revue française de sociologie (e-vir) | Ophrys; Association Revue française de sociologie | 0 | |
0373-6156 | Revue générale de droit international public | A. Pedone | 0 | |
2391-1336 | Revue générale de droit international public (e-vir) | A. Pédone, | 0 | |
0035-3337 | Revue internationale de droit comparé | Société de législation comparée | 0 | |
1953-8111 | Revue internationale de droit comparé (e-vir) | Société de législation comparée | 0 | |
1370-0731 | Revue internationale de politique comparée | Editions De Boeck | 0 | |
0303-965X | Revue internationale des sciences administratives | Institut international des sciences administratives | 0 | |
0304-3037 | Revue internationale des sciences sociales | Unesco | 0 | |
2222-4610 | Revue internationale des sciences sociales (e-vir) | Unesco | 0 | |
2104-3876 | Revue internationale et stratégique (e-vir) | Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques | 0 | |
0035-3574 | Revue juridique et politique Indépendance et coopération | Institut international de droit d'expression et d'inspiration française | 0 | |
0035-385X | Revue politique et parlementaire | Colin, | 0 | |
0035-4317 | Revue trimestrielle de droit européen | Dalloz | 0 | |
1094-8392 | Rhetoric & public affairs | Michigan State University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1534-5238 | Rhetoric & public affairs (e-vir) | Michigan State University Press | 0 | |
0035-6751 | Rivista internazionale di scienze economiche e commerciali | Cedam | 0 | |
0035-676X | Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali | Vita e pensiero | 0 | |
1827-7918 | Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali | Vita e Pensiero | 0 | |
1722-1137 | Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche | Carocci; Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0048-8402 | Rivista italiana di scienza politica | Jl Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0035-6980 | Rivista militare | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0557-1464 | Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico | Giuffrè | 0 | |
1972-4942 | Rivista trimestrale di scienza della amministrazione (e-vir) | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0391-190X | Rivista trimestrale di scienze dell'amministrazione | Giuffrè | 0 | |
2068-7613 | Romanian Journal of Political Science (e-vir) | Romanian Academy Society | 1 | |
0035-8533 | Round table | Butterworth Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
2377-8253 | RSF | Russell Sage Foundation. | 0 | |
2377-8261 | RSF (e-vir) | Russell Sage Foundation | 0 | |
0307-1847 | RUSI | Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0898-8404 | Saint Louis University public law review | Thomas J. White Family Center of Public Law and Government of the Saint Louis University School of Law | 0 | |
0036-0775 | SAIS review | School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University | 0 | |
2832-7802 | SAIS review (e-vir) | School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University | 0 | |
1357-1559 | Sartre studies international | Berghahn Books | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5476 | Sartre studies international (e-vir) | Berghahn Books, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0080-6757 | Scandinavian political studies | Universitetsforlaget; Stage publications | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9477 | Scandinavian political studies (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1439-121X | Schmollers Jahrbuch | Duncker u. Humblot | 0 | |
1662-6370 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Rüegger | 0 | ✔ |
1424-7755 | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft = | Association suisse de science politique. | 0 | |
1552-8251 | Science, technology, & human values (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0162-2439 | Science, technology & human values | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0036-8237 | Science & society | Science & society | 0 | ✔ |
1943-2801 | Science & society (e-vir) | Science and Society, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0967-0106 | Security dialogue | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3640 | Security dialogue (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1556-1852 | Security studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0963-6412 | Security Studies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0037-1947 | Seminar | Seminar. | 0 | |
1538-6589 | Seton Hall journal of diplomacy and international relations | Seton Hall University | 0 | |
1552-826X | Simulation & gaming (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1046-8781 | Simulation & Gaming | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0953-0282 | SIPRI yearbook | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
0037-6779 | Slavic review | American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2325-7784 | Slavic review (e-vir) | American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9558 | Small wars & insurgencies (e-vir) | F. Cass | 1 | ✔ |
0959-2318 | Small Wars & Insurgencies | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0155-977X | Social analysis | Dept. of Anthropology, University of Adelaide. | 0 | ✔ |
1558-5727 | Social analysis (e-vir) | Dept. of Anthropology, University of Adelaide | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7686 | Social compass | Centre de recherches socio- religieuses | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7404 | Social compass (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1350-4630 | Social identities | Carfax publishing company | 0 | ✔ |
1363-0296 | Social identities (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0885-4300 | Socialism and democracy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1745-2635 | Socialism and democracy (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0161-1801 | Socialist review | New Fronts Pub. Co., etc. | 0 | |
0265-0525 | Social philosophy & policy | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-6437 | Social philosophy and policy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0037-7783 | Social policy | Social Policy Corp., etc. | 0 | |
0037-7791 | Social problems | Published by the University of California Press for the Society for the Study of Social Problems | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8533 | Social problems (e-vir) | [Published by the University of California Press for the Society for the Study of Social Problems] | 0 | ✔ |
0190-2725 | Social psychology quarterly | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8999 | Social psychology quarterly (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0037-783X | Social research | Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science, New School for Social Research | 0 | ✔ |
1944-768X | Social research | Published by the Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science organized under the New School for Social Research, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0145-5532 | Social science history | Duke University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-8034 | Social science history (e-vir) | University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh | 0 | ✔ |
0539-0184 | Social science information | International social science council | 2 | ✔ |
1461-7412 | Social science information (e-vir) | International Social Science Council | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5355 | Social science journal (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0038-4941 | Social science quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1540-6237 | Social science quarterly (e-vir) | Published by Blackwell Publishers for the Southwestern Social Science Association; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0306-3127 | Social studies of science | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3659 | Social studies of science (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1477-8211 | Social theory & health | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1477-822X | Social theory & health (e-vir) | Palgrave Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
0037-802X | Social theory and practice | Dept. of Philosophy, Florida State University. | 0 | ✔ |
2154-123X | Social theory and practice (e-vir) | Philosophy Documentation Center | 0 | ✔ |
1937-190X | Social work in public health | Haworth Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1937-1918 | Social work in public health | Haworth Press, Inc.; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1150-1944 | Sociétés contemporaines | L'Harmattan | 0 | |
1950-6899 | Sociétés contemporaines (e-vir) | Presses de Sciences po | 0 | |
0147-2011 | Society | Transaction, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4725 | Society (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1218-9391 | Society and economy in Central and Eastern Europe | Budapest University of Economic Sciences. | 0 | |
1475-1461 | Socio-economic review | Oxford University Press in association with the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics | 0 | ✔ |
1475-147X | Socio-economic review (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0156 | Sociologia | Istituto Luigi Sturzo | 0 | |
0038-0245 | Sociological inquiry | Univ. of Texas Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-682X | Sociological inquiry (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0081-1750 | Sociological methodology | Jossey-Bass. | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9531 | Sociological methodology (e-vir) | Jossey-Bass | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0253 | Sociological quarterly | University of Missouri-Columbia, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0261 | Sociological review | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0038-030X | Sociologie et sociétés | Presses de l`Université de Montréal | 0 | |
1392-3358 | Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas | Klaipedos universiteto leidykla | 0 | ✔ |
2335-8890 | Sociologija. Mintis ir veiksmas (e-vir) | Klaipedos universiteto leidykla | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0385 | Sociology | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8684 | Sociology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1069-4404 | Sociology of religion | Association for the Sociology of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1759-8818 | Sociology of religion (e-vir) | Association for the Sociology of Religion | 0 | ✔ |
1026-5651 | South African yearbook of international affairs | SAIIA.; South African Institute of International Affairs. | 0 | |
0972-4613 | South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies | SAJOSPS | 0 | |
0038-285X | South Asian Studies | University of Rajasthan, Department of Political Science, South Asia Studies Centre. | 0 | |
0971-5231 | South Asian survey | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0973-0788 | South Asian Survey | Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0377-5437 | Southeast Asian affairs | Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. | 0 | |
1793-9135 | Southeast Asian affairs (e-vir) | Institute of Souhteast Asian Studies | 0 | |
0967-828X | South East Asia research | Published by In Print for the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London | 0 | ✔ |
2043-6874 | South East Asia research (e-vir) | IP Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0038-3910 | Southern California law review | Published by the faculty and students of the School of Law of the University of Southern California | 0 | |
1360-8746 | South European society & politics | Frank Cass. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9612 | South European society & politics (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0038-6073 | Soziale Welt | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
Y509-8165 | Soziale Welt (e-vir) | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | |
1356-2576 | Space & polity | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1235 | Space & polity (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2686-6730 | SŠA & Kanada: èkonomika, politika, kulʹtura.; США & Канада: экономика, политика, культура | Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk; Российская академия наук | 0 | |
0160-323X | State & local government review | Institute of Government, University of Georgia | 0 | ✔ |
1943-3409 | State & local government review (e-vir) | Institute of Government, University of Georgia | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4400 | State politics & policy quarterly | Illinois Legislative Studies Center at the University of Illinois at Springfield | 0 | ✔ |
1946-1607 | State politics & policy quarterly (e-vir) | University of Illinois Press for the Illinois Legislative Studies Center | 0 | ✔ |
0392-9701 | Stato e mercato | Società Editrice Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
2612-0976 | Stato e mercato (e-vir) | Il Mulino | 0 | ✔ |
0039-0747 | Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift | Fahlbeckska stiftelsen; Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsrådet; Vetenskapsrådet | 0 | |
1754-0054 | Strategic analysis | Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses | 0 | ✔ |
0970-0161 | Strategic Analysis | Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses | 0 | ✔ |
1029-0990 | Strategic studies | Institute of Strategic Studies | 0 | |
1811-9557 | Strategic studies (e-vir) | Institute of Strategic Studies | 0 | |
1213-2691 | Středoevropské politické studie | Mezinárodní politologický ústav Masarykovy univerzity | 0 | |
0770-2965 | Studia diplomatica | Institut royal des relations internationales | 0 | |
0898-588X | Studies in American political development | Yale University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8692 | Studies in American political development (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0039-3592 | Studies in comparative communism | Von KleinSmid Institute of International Affairs, School of International Relations, University of Southern California | 0 | |
1878-3341 | Studies in comparative communism (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | |
0039-3606 | Studies in comparative international development | s.n.; Distributed by Transaction Periodicals Consortium. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-6167 | Studies in comparative international development (e-vir) | Transaction Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1057-610X | Studies in conflict and terrorism | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0731 | Studies in conflict and terrorism (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 3 | ✔ |
0925-9392 | Studies in East European thought | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0948 | Studies in East European thought | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0707-8552 | Studies in political economy | Carleton University, Graphic Services. | 0 | ✔ |
1918-7033 | Studies in political economy (e-vir) | Studies in Political Economy | 0 | ✔ |
1736-8758 | Studies of transition states and societies (e-vir) | University | 0 | |
1736-874X | Studies of transition states and societies / | Tallinna Ülikool.; Tallinna Ülikool. | 0 | |
0722-8821 | Südostasien aktuell | Institut für Asienkunde | 0 | |
0722-480X | Südosteuropa | Südost-Institut; R. Oldenbourg Verlag | 3 | ✔ |
2364-933X | Südosteuropa (e-vir) | de Gruyter Oldenbourg | 0 | |
0340-174X | Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen | Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0039-6338 | Survival | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2699 | Survival (e-vir) | International Institute for Strategic Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1815-7238 | Taiwan journal of democracy | Taiwan Foundation for Democracy. | 0 | |
0090-6514 | Telos | Telos Press | 0 | |
1940-459X | Telos | Telos Press Publishing | 0 | |
0394-1248 | Teoria politica | Franco Angeli | 0 | |
0954-6553 | Terrorism and political violence | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1556-1836 | Terrorism and political violence (e-vir) | F. Cass; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0002-7642 | The American behavioral scientist | A. De Grazia | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3381 | The American behavioral scientist (e-vir) | [A. De Grazia] | 0 | ✔ |
0002-8282 | The American economic review | American Economic Association. | 0 | |
1944-7981 | The American economic review (e-vir) | American Economic Association | 0 | |
0002-8762 | The American historical review | American Historical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1937-5239 | The American historical review (e-vir) | Macmillan Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9246 | The American journal of economics and sociology | American Journal of Economics and Sociology | 0 | ✔ |
1536-7150 | The American journal of economics and sociology (e-vir) | American Journal of Economics and Sociology | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9300 | The American journal of international law | American Society of International Law | 0 | ✔ |
2161-7953 | The American journal of international law (e-vir) | Baker, Voorhis & Co. for the American Society of International Law | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0554 | The American political science review | American Political Science Association.; Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5943 | The American political science review (e-vir) | American Political Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0937 | The American scholar | Phi Beta Kappa Society | 0 | |
2162-2892 | The American scholar (e-vir) | United Chapters of Phi Beta Kappa | 0 | |
0003-1232 | The American sociologist | American Sociological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4784 | The American sociologist (e-vir) | American Sociological Association | 0 | ✔ |
2327-6673 | The Asia Pacific journal of public administration = (e-vir) | Dept. of Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong; Governance Programme, Faculty of Law, Business and Arts, Charles Darwin University | 0 | ✔ |
1467-856X | The British journal of politics and international relations (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
2044-9437 | The British year book of international law (e-vir) | Henry Frowde, Hodder and Stoughton and Oxford University Press; Oxford University Press | 0 | |
1925-0169 | The Canadian yearbook of international law (e-vir) | Canadian Council on International Law.; International Law Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0069-0058 | The Canadian yearbook of international law = | Publication Centre, University of British Columbia | 0 | ✔ |
0273-3072 | The Cato journal | Cato Institute | 0 | |
1324-9347 | The China journal | Contemporary China Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University | 0 | |
1835-8535 | The China journal (e-vir) | Contemporary China Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University | 0 | |
1468-2648 | The China quarterly (e-vir) | School of Oriental and African Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1015-2881 | The Cyprus review | Intercollege | 0 | |
0957-8811 | The European journal of development research | Palgrave | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9728 | The European journal of development research (e-vir) | Palgrave MacMillan | 0 | ✔ |
1350-5068 | The European journal of women's studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1316 | The European legacy (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1084-8770 | The European legacy, toward new paradigms | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1747-5244 | The European Union | University Association for Contemporary European Studies. | 0 | |
1046-1868 | The Fletcher forum of world affairs | Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy | 0 | |
2767-4371 | The Fletcher forum of world affairs (e-vir) | Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy | 0 | |
1527-9677 | The Hedgehog review | University of Virginia. | 0 | |
1064-6175 | The Howard journal of communications | Howard University School for Communications, Center for Communications Research | 0 | ✔ |
1096-4649 | The Howard journal of communications | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1086-1653 | The independent review | Independent Institute | 0 | |
2169-3420 | The independent review (e-vir) | Independent Institute | 0 | |
0020-5893 | The international and comparative law quarterly | British Institute of International and Comparative Law | 0 | ✔ |
1748-0485 | The international communication gazette | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1748-0493 | The international communication gazette (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1949-6540 | The international history review (e-vir) | [University of Toronto] | 0 | ✔ |
1744-053X | The international journal of human rights (e-vir) | Frank Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1385-4879 | The international journal on minority and group rights | Martinus Nijhoff publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1751-9721 | The international spectator (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0393-2729 | The International spectator | Fratelli Palombi Editori | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8863 | The Journal of applied behavioral science | JAI Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-0401 | The journal of Asian studies (e-vir) | Far Eastern Association | 0 | |
0021-9118 | The Journal of Asian Studies | Association for Asian Studies, etc. | 0 | |
1526-1018 | The journal of Ayn Rand studies | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Foundation | 0 | |
2169-7132 | The journal of Ayn Rand studies (e-vir) | Journal of Ayn Rand Studies Foundation | 0 | |
1533-9114 | The journal of comparative Asian development | City University of Hong Kong. | 0 | ✔ |
2150-5403 | The journal of comparative Asian development | Routlege, Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8766 | The journal of conflict resolution (e-vir) | Dept. of Journalism, University of Michigan | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0027 | The Journal of conflict resolution | Dept. of Journalism, University of Michigan | 0 | ✔ |
1067-0564 | The journal of contemporary China | Center for Modern China | 0 | ✔ |
1548-2278 | The journal of developing areas (e-vir) | Western Illinois University Press | 0 | |
0022-037X | The Journal of developing areas | Western Illinois University | 0 | |
0022-0388 | The JOURNAL of development studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1010-1608 | The Journal of east asian affairs | Research Institute for International Affairs.; Institute for National Security Strategy | 0 | |
1070-4965 | The journal of environment & development | Graduate School of International Relations & Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5465 | The journal of environment & development (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9169 | The journal of interdisciplinary history (e-vir) | M.I.T. Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1953 | The Journal of interdisciplinary history | M.I.T. Press | 0 | ✔ |
1549-4721 | The journal of Japanese studies (e-vir) | Society for Japanese Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0095-6848 | The Journal of Japanese Studies | Society for Japanese Studies | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5285 | The journal of law & economics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Law School | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2186 | The Journal of law & economics | University of Chicago Law School. | 0 | ✔ |
0749-2227 | The journal of law & politics | Journal of Law & Politics | 0 | |
1357-2334 | The journal of legislative studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0363-2873 | The journal of libertarian studies | Pergamon Press | 0 | |
1469-7777 | The journal of modern African studies (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5358 | The journal of modern history (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2801 | The Journal of modern history | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1362-9387 | The journal of North African studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9345 | The journal of North African studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0306-6150 | The Journal of peasant studies | F. Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9361 | The Journal of peasant studies (e-vir) | F. Cass & Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1537-534X | The journal of political economy (e-vir) | University Press of Chicago | 0 | ✔ |
0963-8016 | The journal of political philosophy | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-9760 | The journal of political philosophy (e-vir) | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3816 | The Journal of politics | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2508 | The Journal of politics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3980 | The Journal of psychology | Journal Press | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1019 | The Journal of psychology (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1351-8046 | The journal of slavic military studies | Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
1556-3006 | The journal of slavic military studies (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0278-839X | The Journal of social, political, and economic studies | Council for Social and Economic Studies; Contemporary Economics and Business Association at George Mason University | 0 | |
0022-4545 | The Journal of social psychology | Helen Reid Educational Foundation, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1183 | The Journal of social psychology (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0140-2390 | The Journal of strategic studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-937X | The Journal of strategic studies (e-vir) | F. Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0309-457X | The Maghreb review | Maghreb Review | 0 | |
0026-3141 | The Middle East journal | Middle East Institute | 0 | |
1940-3461 | The Middle East journal (e-vir) | Middle East Institute | 0 | |
0026-7961 | The modern law review | Sweet & Maxwell | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2230 | The modern law review (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0027-4909 | The Muslim world | Hartford Seminary Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1478-1913 | The Muslim world (e-vir) | Hartford Seminary Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1938-1573 | The national interest (e-vir) | National Affairs | 0 | |
0884-9382 | The National interest | National Affairs, Inc. | 0 | |
0040-5825 | Theoria | Filosofoska institutionen, Kungshuset Lundag°ard. | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2567 | Theoria (e-vir) | C.W.K. Gleerup | 0 | ✔ |
0263-2764 | Theory, culture & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1460-3616 | Theory, culture & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-4109 | Theory, culture & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | |
0040-5833 | Theory and decision | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7187 | Theory and decision (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0304-2421 | Theory and society | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7853 | Theory and society (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0951-2748 | The Pacific review | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-1332 | The Pacific review (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0031-2282 | The Parliamentarian | Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. | 0 | |
1467-9191 | The philosophical forum (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0031-806X | The Philosophical forum | Dept. of Philosophy, Boston University | 0 | ✔ |
0032-2474 | The Polar record | Scott Polar Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
0091-3715 | The Political science reviewer | s.n. | 0 | |
1467-9272 | The professional geographer (e-vir) | Association of American Geographers | 0 | ✔ |
0033-0124 | The Professional geographer | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
0020-6393 | The review | International Commission of Jurists | 0 | |
1530-9142 | The review of economics and statistics (e-vir) | Dept. of Economics, Harvard University | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6535 | The REVIEW of economics and statistics | North Holland | 0 | ✔ |
2955-9030 | The Review of International Affairs (e-vir) | Institute of International Politics and Economics | 0 | |
1541-1338 | The review of policy research (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1748-6858 | The review of politics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6705 | The Review of politics | University of Notre Dame. | 0 | ✔ |
1474-029X | The round table (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1744-0378 | The RUSI journal (e-vir) | The Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0725-5136 | Thesis eleven | Thesis eleven | 1 | ✔ |
1461-7455 | Thesis eleven (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0081-0606 | The socialist register | 0 | ||
0362-3319 | The Social science journal | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1533-8525 | The sociological quarterly (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-954X | The Sociological review (e-vir) | Blackwell Synergy; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1022-0461 | The South African journal of international affairs | South African Institute of International Affairs.; SAIIA. | 0 | ✔ |
1938-0275 | The South African journal of international affairs | South African Institute of International Affairs | 0 | ✔ |
1105-4166 | The Southeast European yearbook | Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy | 0 | |
0081-9557 | The Supreme Court review | University of Chicago Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2158-2459 | The Supreme Court review (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0730-479X | The Tocqueville review | Tocqueville Society] | 0 | ✔ |
1918-6649 | The Tocqueville review | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
0163-660X | The Washington quarterly | Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University. | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9177 | The Washington quarterly (e-vir) | Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
0378-5920 | The world economy | Elsevier | 3 | ✔ |
1467-9701 | The world economy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2059-7495 | The world today (e-vir) | Royal Institute of International Affairs | 0 | |
0044-0124 | The Yale review | Yale University Press | 0 | |
1467-9736 | The Yale review (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | |
0143-6597 | Third world quarterly | Third World Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1360-2241 | Third world quarterly (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0961-463X | Time & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7463 | Time & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
Y500-0580 | Time & society | Sage Publications | 0 | |
1014-9562 | Transnational corporations | United Nations | 0 | |
1309-9647 | Turkish review | 0 | ||
1468-3849 | Turkish studies | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9663 | Turkish studies (e-vir) | Frank Cass | 0 | ✔ |
0083-4688 | Urban affairs annual reviews | Sage Publications | 0 | |
0272-3638 | Urban geography | V.H. Winston | 0 | ✔ |
1938-2847 | Urban geography (e-vir) | Bellwether Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0042-0980 | Urban studies | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1360-063X | Urban studies (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1308-0334 | Usak yearbook of international politics and law | Uluslararasi stratejik araştirmalar kurumu derneği iktisadi işletmesi | 0 | |
0042-384X | Vereinte Nationen | Engel | 0 | |
2366-6773 | Vereinte Nationen (e-vir) | BWV, Berliner Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | |
0506-7286 | Verfassung und Recht in Übersee | Nomos | 0 | ✔ |
0042-5702 | Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte | Oldenbourg | 0 | ✔ |
2196-7121 | Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0869-1908 | Vostok Afro-aziatskie obščestva | Nauka | 0 | |
1349-7766 | Waseda global forum | Waseda daigaku kokusai kyoyo gakubu, | 0 | |
0287-7007 | Waseda seiji keizaigaku zasshi | Waseda Daigaku Seiji Keizai Gakkai | 0 | |
0944-8101 | WeltTrends | Berliner Debatte, Wiss.-Verl. | 0 | |
0140-2382 | West European politics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1743-9655 | West European politics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1535-4768 | White House studies | Nova Science Publishers | 0 | |
0378-5130 | Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft | Verlag ORAC; LexisNexis Verlag ARD Orac GmbH & Co KG | 0 | |
0043-8200 | World affairs | American Peace Society | 0 | ✔ |
0971-8052 | World affairs | Lancer International; T. N. Kaul | 0 | |
0974-0937 | World affairs (e-vir) | Kapur Surya Foundation | 0 | |
1940-1582 | World affairs (e-vir) | American Peace Society | 0 | ✔ |
0305-750X | World development | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5991 | World development (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0740-2775 | World policy journal | World Policy Institute | 0 | |
1936-0924 | World policy journal (e-vir) | World Policy Institute | 0 | |
1935-6226 | World political science review (e-vir) | Berkeley Electronic Press | 0 | |
2194-6248 | World political science review | de Gruyter | 0 | |
0043-8871 | World politics | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3338 | World politics (e-vir) | Yale Institute of International Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2042-891X | World review of political economy | Pluto Journals on behalf of the World Association for Political Economy | 0 | |
2042-8928 | World review of political economy (e-vir) | Produced and distributed by Pluto Journals | 0 | |
0043-9134 | World today | Royal Institute of International Affairs | 0 | |
1233-9903 | Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy | Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych PISM.; Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych.; Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych. | 0 | |
0044-118X | Youth & society | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1552-8499 | Youth & society (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2348 | Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht | Kohlhammer | 0 | ✔ |
0044-2550 | Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft | Mohr | 0 | |
0044-2828 | Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft | Metropol | 0 | |
0946-7165 | Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
0340-1758 | Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen | Westdeutscher Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1862-2534 | Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (e-vir) | Nomos-Verl.-Ges. | 0 | ✔ |
0044-3360 | Zeitschrift für Politik | Heymann | 0 | ✔ |
1430-6387 | Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
2366-2638 | Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
0340-1804 | Zeitschrift für Soziologie | Brockhaus Commission | 0 | ✔ |
2366-0325 | Zeitschrift für Soziologie (e-vir) | Lucius & Lucius | 0 | ✔ |
0850-7902 | 0 | |||
Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne bibliografske baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti s spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Vključene niso tiste revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznamov revij ni bilo možno pridobiti v celoti. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen. Seznami se od leta 2014 naprej vsako leto vzpostavljajo na novo. To pomeni, da OSIC-i vsako leto na novo prevzamejo sezname s spletnih strani proizvajalcev; ti seznami potem veljajo za tekoče leto oz. do prejema novih seznamov. Od leta 2014 naprej se torej članki v revijah v določenem letu vrednotijo v skladu z uvrstitvijo na sezname v tem letu. Članki v tekočem letu se do prejema novih seznamov vrednotijo v skladu z zadnjo prejeto verzijo seznamov. Za članke do vključno leta 2013 pa veljajo še stari kumulativni seznami, pri katerih so se revije na sezname samo dodajale, ne pa tudi iz njih odstranjevale, četudi je revija iz baze izpadla. V stolpcu Odprti dostop so s kljukico označene revije, za katere so v informacijskem servisu SHERPA/RoMEO objavljeni podatki o licenčnih pogojih založb in politiki arhiviranja posameznih revij. S klikom na kljukico se prestavimo na zapis revije z informacijami o politiki odprtega dostopa. |
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